
适合6月20日发的父亲节文案 温暖走心 越看越喜欢!


Over the years, its not the umbrella that has sheltered me from the wind and rain, but my fathers shoulder 小时候总觉得老爸说的话很多余,长大后每一句话都觉得格外珍惜

友情提示:本文共有 2005 个字,阅读大概需要 5 分钟。


Over the years, it"s not the umbrella that has sheltered me from the wind and rain, but my father"s shoulder.


When I was a child, I always felt that my father said a lot of things. When I grow up, I cherish every word.


Your broad shoulders support our home, your calloused hands care, I grow up, your health is my eternal concern.


The first time I hugged the sky, you held me high above my head.


My dad is very ordinary, but every time I have a need, he will appear in my side.


Dad is cool. He never said he loved me, but he gave me everything.


The highest is not the peak, but the father"s back. The furthest is not the horizon, but the father"s concern. The warmest is not the sunshine, but the embrace of my father.


My dad is a hero in my heart. Every time I go home, he will pick me up.


When you get old, I will take care of you as well as you take care of me.


In this special festival, I wish you good health and happy every day.


When I was a child, I wanted to grow up quickly. When I grow up, I hope you can grow old slowly and slowly.


No matter what mistakes I make, you will forgive me and help me.


When I was a child, I always wanted to travel all over the world with swords. Now I just want to stay by your side and accompany you.


The one who loves you indefinitely, who teaches me to hold my chest high, who bends down for me. Happy father"s Day!


Father"s love is heavier than mountains and longer than roads. The longer it takes, the more mellow it is.


It doesn"t matter. Even if you are old, you are still my favorite dad. Happy father"s Day!



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