
唯美高级的情感文案 温暖有格调 有感而发


Dont be so emotional that you hold an umbrella for someone else and forget that you are caught in the rain 雨中的故事,听起来总有一种伤悲,读起来总有一种美

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Don"t be so emotional that you hold an umbrella for someone else and forget that you are caught in the rain.


Rain in the story, sounds always have a sad, read always have a kind of beauty.


If you don"t love me then please tell me, I will let go so together I am so tired.


Quietly waiting, waiting for you in the crowd to take a look at me.


When you are young, you will think that freedom means doing whatever you want, but when you are old, you will realize that true freedom means doing nothing you want to do.


Love really takes courage to believe that we will be together.As long as your eyes affirm, my love is meaningful.


If there is no if, once was once, the past is long past, be yourself.


I regret many things when I grow up, but I never regret liking you.


I didn"t mean to hurt you.I feel bad too!I hope you can understand and give me a chance to change!Start accepting me again!


Suffer is a blessing, then you eat, I don"t eat.


True despair is speechless, so silence is a person"s loudest cry.


What is the terrible distance, what is the terrible time no longer love is the most terrible.

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