
极富品味的忧伤短句 温柔而高级 治愈心灵!


How does it feel to be single for a long time?Occasionally envy lovers, occasionally rejoice in freedom 沿途的风景,我只能边走边忘

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How does it feel to be single for a long time?Occasionally envy lovers, occasionally rejoice in freedom.


The scenery along the way, I can only walk while forgetting.


Some people, some things, forget to forget it, people never put your heart at ease, why should you love.


Habit with a stubborn way to look up, look up to a sea of flowers.The closest place to happiness.


This lifetime, true love only once, and then even if there is how romantic love, after all, will not hurt again


If you"re leaving please break this thread and I"ll let go.


I had a very good, just dream you wake up pain, think of you when tears will flow.


The person I love is not my lover, every inch of his heart belongs to another person.


Excessive insecurity, paranoia and paranoia


We have so much love, and so little time


Even if we have no oath, but also have each other silently great attachment.


Love, the original is smiling drink wine.


Would rather smile tears also don"t cry to say regret!


Sometimes we forgive a person is not really forgive, but do not want to lose her, only pretend to forgive.

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