
充满深情的走心小句子 优质有内涵 爱永存心!


Try to find a reason to convince yourself this messy heart 诺言的诺字和誓言的誓字都是有口无心的

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Try to find a reason to convince yourself this messy heart.


Promise of the word "nuo" and the oath of the word "oath" are unintentional.


I don"t need the inexplicable cold and outdated warmth


How to solve the problem, only have to hug you


You did nothing but amaze me for half my life, and have kept me alive and dying ever since.


I try to find hope, afraid of luck in the side, but I was careless miss.


After tonight, we can forget about the past.The night is long, and so is the rest of my life.We need to save our strength to wait again, for the next person.


The world is too big, life is too short, to try to live like you want to be right.


The most painful goodbyes are the ones never said, but the heart knows it"s over.


Don"t be afraid of love will hurt, to believe that he hurt only, not you.


Are you home?No, no place is home without you.


Friends are not the people who come first or know them the longest;But the one who came and never left.

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《爱的五种语言》:肯定的言辞 让爱永存


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