
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 温柔又文雅 懂你心绪不安


Some landscapes can only be liked but not collected, while others are only suitable for meeting but not for longterm companionship 每天说晚安是为了让你知道我明天会在那里

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Some landscapes can only be liked but not collected, while others are only suitable for meeting but not for long-term companionship.


Say good night every day to let you know that I will be there tomorrow.


It is wrong to stay together without falling in love; It"s painful not to fall in love together.


If you can"t accept such people in the future, you shouldn"t waste your time. Maybe it doesn"t matter if your taste isn"t right.


Always drunk, so miss, the person who once loved, is happy; Once friends, whether they are happy; Once the dream, whether to realize; Who I used to be; Is it still there?


Record what Mr Xie said today as evidence: Wife, true love is not to break up when you are tired, not to separate when you are inappropriate, but to stay together when you are tired, and to fight for when you are inappropriate! Tired because of care, inappropriate because of lack of love, true love has no excuses. Two people together for a long time, will inevitably quarrel. I know that every word a woman often says when she is angry is like a knife. Those who are willing to stay and quarrel with you and are unwilling to leave you for half a step are the ones who really love you. When you don"t like me around you, it means that I am not good enough and not perfect enough. Have you ever thought that many women and some of your good friends may envy my unwavering feelings for you? Actually, I am ready to share the joys and sorrows with you. I don"t see how beautiful and sexy you are, but I don"t want to suffer with my woman. After being together for a long time, they gradually became dependent, and love gradually became family. Even if two people don"t have the original passion together, please don"t forget that there are feelings. When you want to let go. Because, I really love you.


I tried to drown my sorrows in wine, but this damn pain learned to swim.


I"m fine. I don"t cry or make trouble. As long as I don"t want it, I can drop everything. It"s always shallow, but deep. In the year of cardamom, no matter who promises, time will end. Whose loneliness covered my dress, whose dress covered my shoulder. Who is really valued, who is distressed for whom. The highest state of love is to endure dull time. Waiting is the first old life. Some things can turn your life around.


It"s inappropriate for two people to be together. I really know that I don"t cherish it.


Life and death say you are a child, but you know more than them.

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