
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 温柔又文雅 一见倾心


When I really want to protect a person, I will find that he has been silently guarding 像你这样的女孩不能嫁人,就算嫁了也是嫁祸于人

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When I really want to protect a person, I will find that he has been silently guarding.


A girl like you can"t marry, or if she does marry, it"s to blame.


Happiness is: rainy day can hold up a small umbrella for you;Happiness is: hold your hand and spend the sunset with you;Happiness is: you always happy happy!


If trouble doesn"t show up in your face, it stays in your heart.


The breeze blew away a plate of sand, your love words said more hoarse, not me you soon happy.


People greedy, always want to find both, but this world is difficult to have what do both.Life is a hundred years, but teach people how to choose.


Love is true, only happiness is false.That once thought of love together...Love is just fate under a bureau.


The chess people have gone, who also care about deliberating outside the world of mortals a set of incomplete chess?


Maybe warm is the way you smile.


I have a heart to accompany you to the old.


Quiet pull away in your world, gradually put you stranded.


The devil others see in you, but my angel.

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