
不会烂大街的高级情绪文案 满是遗憾 句句扎心


I said I would give up, and then I deleted all your contact information and didnt tell anyone about our past However, I

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I said I would give up, and then I deleted all your contact information and didn"t tell anyone about our past. However, I woke up in my dream in the middle of the night and still remembered you, but you had someone beside you, but I couldn"t tell you all this.


A lot of things I am too lazy to say, but disappointed when a lot of things I do not care, is a disappointment after suddenly figured it out.


Some pain, some tired, only their own understand. I like to turn over in the lonely night, those past things buried deep in my heart, what I got, what I have, what I lost, there is a sudden dream feeling.


Every recovery seems to be a preparation for the next injury. Maybe you have to despair once in a while to get back on your feet.


A good song will only be overheard, but people will greedily pass it around until one day they get bored and throw it away, and so will the people they meet.


When I am alone, I dare not recall the past, but I dare not face tomorrow. I thought I would not lose again, I no longer listen to sad songs, I thought I would not write some sad feelings. All this is illusory.


I hoped he would eventually marry a girl like me so he could always remember me, and I was scared


Everyone has a person in their heart, no longer a lover, no longer a friend. Over time, like or not like it doesn"t matter, always used to think of you. Then I hope you"re okay.


It seems that without me, there would be no mistakes in your life. Happy when you are happy, sad when you are sad. In your world, I am juxtaposed with everything, perhaps inferior to everything.

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