
高级又走心的情感文案 深情又温柔 温暖入心!


The wind blowing tree swaying, rain falls lamp decayed, silver snake disorderly dance as night cold, quilt cold more difficult to sleep 没有关系我们只是朋友,偶尔会替你分担你的伤口

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The wind blowing tree swaying, rain falls lamp decayed, silver snake disorderly dance as night cold, quilt cold more difficult to sleep.


It doesn"t matter. We are just friends. Sometimes we share your wounds.Lend you my shoulder as a pillow, when you need me most.


Wake up the heart cool dream, everything is just a dream.


Only for you, my heart into a castle, accommodate only you, let you become the only bright spot in my life!


You annoy me, you annoy me again, you marry me.


It"s better to jump into the sea than drown the dead.| what long hair and waist than short hair cool.


You are a fairy in the sky, I am ordinary cattle, you color sleeve fluttering, walk in beautiful mountains and rivers, and I geng Nanyang, do a plow farmer.


The rest of my life is full of you, billions of stars more than.


What can I do for you, Sir?I want to open your heart


I really believe that time can change a person, just like you were ugly before, and then you get uglier.


A smile soaked in tears is the most beautiful, appreciate the frustration of the most valuable success.


Jokes often hide my truth, but you do not know it.


If the memory does not speak, time will blossom.


I can go to your school, present you with flowers in front of an entire auditorium, and, of course, kiss me back!

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