
高级又走心的情感文案 温柔又含蓄 冷酷而深情


Let the governor set the fire, and you will not leave me 人生没有失败,只有粉碎!不受天磨非好汉,不遭人妒是庸才

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Let the governor set the fire, and you will not leave me.


There is no failure in life, only crushing!He who is not rubbed by heaven is not a hero, and he who is not envied is a mediocrity.


Too many laughter flowery for tomorrow, because I am afraid of losing this second smile.


You happen to walk away when I need you most.


I don"t want to use my leave to let you know how to cherish.

“走路要牵着我。” “为什么?”“小时候老师没教你贵重物品要随身携带吗?”

"Walk with me." "Why?""Didn"t your teacher teach you to keep your valuables with you when you were a child?"


Every day % of the time to despise yourself, another % to forgive yourself, this is called entanglement.


Time is like an earthquake, while young flowers, long journey, we together.


You know how hard it is to act like you don"t care.


Can I learn to take care of you, and then you love me.


There are always too many helpless around the side, let us endless sentimental perhaps only learn to give up, in order to let people no longer hesitate


Love without future is painful, I am really painful now.

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