
在内心委屈时看的治愈文案 简单优雅 触动了眼泪


等一个即将退役的兵哥哥,他说要娶我等你。退休倒计时41天。Waiting for a soldier brother who is about to retire, he said he would ma

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Waiting for a soldier brother who is about to retire, he said he would marry me and wait for you. The countdown to retirement is 41 days.


Tomorrow, the first game of the final is just in time for my exam. I can"t watch. My mood is very complicated. To be honest, I"m a little afraid to look at it. I have a little expectation. No matter what the outcome, I think I will always like the Warriors and everyone inside. I believe that if they lose it, they will get it. I will cheer myself up tomorrow.


Maybe the person you have been waiting for has forgotten you.


I"m waiting, waiting for someone to leave instead of you.


It is said that there will be the end of the world. Imagine that I was sitting by the bed that night, and you were with me, waiting for the ending.


As the Jewish proverb says, being full of hope is a good thing, but waiting will ruin it.


What worries me most is autumn dew, even autumn hurts. Autumn is only bright, between ups and downs, and overnight, the frost falls again. From the sky, it must be sex.


Winter, spring and autumn have passed quickly, but why am I still waiting for you?


It snowed again this year. You said you would give me the most amazing gift of the year. I was excited to hear this, so I waited patiently. Finally, it was a surprise, but I was.


It won"t be long, but only for your white hair.

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