
失落分手的伤感文案 懂你的心 暖在心里



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If life is like first see only, so, you are just my this life can not be broken of the past of common dust, linger in the breakpoint of time, I am a paragraph of small interlude in your life however, in the deduction of a few degrees of spring flowers and autumn moon, after leaving a bright fireworks, lonely have no farewell.A paragraph of incomplete yearning, long time wanders in the distance of looking, borrow one side of the dim light of night waves sink, smile in the wind, bury the sadness in this inscription line.


Perfect things are ephemeral, like a flash in the pan.Flowers again beautiful also just that moment.


One is gorgeous short dream, one is cruel long reality.


In this life, if there is no one you love, everywhere is a lonely person, whether in a busy crowd, or in a quiet alone person, the heart will always be lonely.


Old age, actually become fragile up.


True love is not never quarreling, never getting angry, never playing tantrum and never committing tomfoolery, but quarreling, crying and scolding. Finally, the most distressed each other, or each other.


When the shoulder to rely on is not, when my tears dry, when I decided to let go, my heart has not.


If one don"t two wide so simple, there will not be so many people choose to entwine, do not adhere to the truth of everyone knows, can really love the people, how can say let go.


The world is not perfect.You have to lose something to get something.


How eager to return to the place where we met, so that time in that moment stay, let the edge between us continue for a long time.But the fantasy eventually arrived but the reality of the ruthless, let the tears quietly slipped in the night, the flow of the world of mortals that tell endless miss, because the past has not gone back...


When I was a child, I thought my heart could be said to the closest person. When I grew up, I knew that there were some tears in some things, which could only be swallowed into my stomach slowly. It was better to say that others did not understand and scold you for being hypocritical.


Look at you, gradually go gradually far, MY pain of hair can not give any sound, call you!How DESPERATE I am to leave you, impulse to go back to the past.But I found myself how powerless, powerless to touch the rain outside the window, powerless to call you back away.So, I can only useless sitting in the car, looking out of the window to slide raindrops, blurred out of the window scenery, blurred your distant figure.


Can wear everything except tears, is time, with time to go by the pride, the longer the time, the weaker the resistance, like a cup of tea diluted from time to time.


Happiness is living without constant fear.The rich need not fear kidnapping, the poor need not fear the confiscation of their last bowl, the middle class need not fear bloody revolution, and the general public need not fear if their leaders say a word, tomorrow there may be war.

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