
分手后难过伤心的感伤文案 意味深长 令人向往


改变能改变的,接受不能改变的Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten Alter what is changeable, and

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Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is immutable


In fact, you are not my favorite type just happened to bump into my heart.


You must have been a carbonated drink in your last life, otherwise why would you want to bubble when you see it?


What"s extra?Is the summer sheet, winter fan, and cool heart after your hospitality.


I can meet the whole world, but will never meet you.I had a very good, just dream you wake up pain, think of you when tears will flow.


I have no more words, only one sentence to tell you: with you, you are everything!Without you around, everything is you!


In life, couples meet because of fateto go through life together is happiness.


Such as three autumn, because miss;The night is long, because miss;Roll over, because of loneliness;I can"t sleep alone because I"m counting sheep.


Love was an accident, I for you, just an accident;You for me, is a love.


Smoking is bad for you. Smoke me. I"m super sweet.


Society is hierarchical, many things are not fair, do not complain, because it is useless.


We are always like this, a thought will not go, a thought will retain, are since more affectionate.

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