
富有韵味的情绪文案 经历才能懂 满是无奈


Love so long, or to be separated by time, I want to let you free, but the heart does not agree 你要走其实很简单,我留住的人,留不住的心

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Love so long, or to be separated by time, I want to let you free, but the heart does not agree.


You have to go is actually very simple, I keep the people, can not keep the heart.


Break up process really let the night back struggle, like a madman to give you an excuse to leave.


Heart is cold, warm up, love is not wrong, you have to go is not wrong.


Time has told me that you don"t love me, otherwise I am so heartache, you will not look back, right.


Let"s start. Let"s fall in love.


The air around is sweet, when you like someone.


You wrote all the stories. I can only leave when you need to finish.


I don"t have the right to say no, and I don"t have the right to say well, you hold the leading power of emotion.


Some feelings are too difficult to control, so it"s better to be yourself.


I used to be a very passive person, but when I see you, I want to try to take the initiative.


Don"t worry about gain and loss in love. The more you worry, the less you get happiness.


You want me to remember that I love you, but there is no tenderness in the details. Is it love?

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