
立冬文案|立冬开始一年的收尾 更开启归家的倒计时


The beginning of winter is the end of the year and the countdown to returning home 我很想要过这样一个温暖的冬天,有一场踩起来嘎

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The beginning of winter is the end of the year and the countdown to returning home.


I really want to have such a warm winter. There is a crunchy snow under the street lamp, a dim yellow warm light, a cat sleeping under the table, a hot baked sweet potato, a pot of warm wine, a book I want to read, a fog on the window, a blanket and you.


In a twinkling of an eye, autumn became a story and winter became a landscape.


Will we spend Christmas together? Will we watch the snow together? Will there be warm baked sweet potatoes and milk tea? Will we count down the new year together? Will we be together?


I can"t wait to welcome winter. Put on a comfortable and soft sweater and heavy coat, put on my favorite hat and scarf for a long time, walk in the creaking snow, suck my nose and go to the milk tea shop to see you with joy.


I met you in winter. Wow, the winter is gone and the stars are bright.


Wrapped in winter, you can better experience the warmth and fragrance of a bowl of boiled rice. The meaning of cold may be to let you find something warmer.


Make up for the winter and eat dumplings.


If you are free, come and spend the winter with me.


At the beginning of winter, yesterday, the new snow was just over. With the chill of late autumn and the thin air in the morning, the cold wind blew through the treetops to wake up the people who pretended to sleep. A few remnant leaves were hung sporadically, waiting for the final gift.


Winter is also a gentle season, with bare branches, goose feather snow and thick clothes.


Like those shining things, such as winter snowflakes, stars in the sky, and your eyes.


It closes in autumn.


I wish my eyebrows and eyes stretch and I wish you good winter.


Winter is still worth looking forward to. Recently, a lot of good-looking movies have been released. Shopping malls are full of warm atmosphere of exclusive festivals in winter. Hotpot stores always have various discounts. Snacks hoarded online have also arrived. They bought thick plush pile foot socks and thick cotton quilts. Every time they are basked in the sun and brought back, they feel hugged by the sun, In the face of winter, I"m ready for everything. I"m short of you.



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