
真挚感人的情感短语 句句蕴含哲理 耐人回味!



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一、人人都忙于自己的欢喜与悲伤,哪有空顾你的孤独。时间是最公平的资源,你浇灌在哪里,哪里就可能长出灿烂的花朵。无论走到哪里,都要鼓励自己,给自己一些肯定,别总把那些挫败当成痛的诉说。Everyone is busy with their own joys and sorrows, there is no time for your loneliness. Time is the most equitable resource. Where you water it, you may grow brilliant flowers. Wherever you go, encourage yourself, give yourself some affirmation, and don"t always take those frustrations as painful complaints.

二、人生是很累的,你现在不累,以后就会更累。人生是很苦的,你现在不苦,以后就会更苦。唯累过,方得闲。唯苦过,方知甜。Life is very tired. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later. Life is very bitter. If you don"t suffer now, you will suffer more later. Only when you are tired can you have leisure. Only bitterness knows sweetness.

三、直到最后才发现,不管我多么努力,都没有办法出现在你的未来里,对我来说,你是我的以后,而对你来说,我只不过是一个过客。It wasn"t until the end that I realized that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn"t be in your future. For me, you are my future, but for you, I"m just a passer-by.

四、也许有些话你不敢说,有些人你不敢爱,有些地方你不敢去。因为会给你带来伤害,而会带来伤害是因为他们太重要。Maybe some words you dare not say, some people you dare not love, some places you dare not go. Because it will hurt you, and it will hurt because they are too important.

五、努力,不是为了要感动谁,也不是要做给哪个人看,而是要让自己随时有能力跳出自己厌恶的圈子,并拥有选择的权利,用自己喜欢的方式过一生。Efforts are not meant to impress or show to anyone, but to enable oneself to jump out of the circle of disgust at any time, to have the right to choose and to live a life in the way one likes.

六、真正的喜欢对藏不住的,因为你的眼睛会在看见那个人的时候,就会忍不住的想要微笑,你的脚步会不受控制的向那个人靠近。感情里最怕的不是争吵,不是分手,而是爱一个人爱到失去了自己,你可以很爱一个人,可以为他付出很多。True love can"t hide, because when you see that person, your eyes will be unable to help but want to smile, and your footsteps will uncontrollably approach that person. The most terrible thing in feeling is not to quarrel, not to break up, but to love a person to lose themselves, you can love a person very much, you can pay a lot for him.

七、有些事情,即便是脑袋忘了,心却还记得。没有一代人的青春是容易的,每一代人有每一代人的宿命、委屈、挣扎、奋斗,没什么可抱怨的。Some things, even if the head forgets, the heart still remembers. Youth is easy without a generation. Every generation has its destiny, grievance, struggle and struggle. There is nothing to complain about.

八、若想得到这世界最好的东西,先得让世界看到最好的你。生气,就是拿别人的过错来惩罚自己。原谅别人,就是善待自己。If you want the best in the world, you have to let the world see the best of you. To be angry is to punish oneself with the fault of others. To forgive others is to be kind to oneself.

九、看别人不顺眼,是自己修养不够。人愤怒的那一个瞬间,智商是零,过一分钟后恢复正常。人的优雅关键在于控制自己的情绪,用嘴伤害人,是最愚蠢的一种行为。我们的不自由,通常是因为来自内心的不良情绪左右了我们。一个能控制住不良情绪的人,比一个能拿下一座城池的人强大。It"s not enough self-cultivation to look bad at others. At that moment of anger, IQ was zero and returned to normal in a minute.

The key to human elegance is to control one"s emotions and hurt others with one"s mouth, which is the most foolish behavior. We are not free, usually because of bad emotions from our hearts. A man who can control his bad mood is stronger than a man who can take down a city pool.

十、也许身边的人越来越少,可是我知道留下来的都是最重要的。站在最高的楼顶,听着纯净的风声,喜欢的秋天没有向我告别,冬日却迫不及待的侵袭了我,日渐崩坏,我像悄无声息离开的秋天一样,告别了这个世界Perhaps there are fewer and fewer people around me, but I know that what remains is the most important. Standing on the highest roof, listening to the pure wind, like autumn did not say goodbye to me, but the winter has impatiently attacked me, gradually collapsed, I leave the world like silent autumn.

十一、如果我有一天,与这世界长辞了,我不祈求什么,仅希望所有认识我的人都过得很好,愿轻轻到来的我,能够悄然无声的离去。If I say goodbye to the world one day, I don"t pray for anything. I just hope that everyone who knows me will have a good life. I hope that I can leave quietly when I come gently.

十二、有一天你会明白,人不能太善良,因为人只会挑软柿子捏,如果事事都大度和宽容,别人也不会感激你,有时候确实不要太心软对待有些人真不能太温柔和忍耐,过分善良会丢失自己的价值和尊严。One day you will understand that people can not be too kind, because people will only pick soft persimmon pinch, if everything is generous and tolerant, others will not appreciate you, sometimes really do not treat some people too soft and patient, too good will lose their value and dignity.

十三、 通常情况下,选择献身艺术的人,都曾自视与众不同。然而他很快会发现,自己的艺术、自己的与众不同,往往就扎根在与所有人的相似中。Usually, people who choose to devote themselves to art have considered themselves different. However, he will soon find that his art and his distinctiveness are often rooted in the similarities with everyone.

十四、一万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在,每一个真实的现在,都是我们曾经幻想的未来,愿你爱上现在,梦见未来。有些错过是为了更好的相逢,有些错过是避免互相折磨。此刻你别为失去难过,有缘下个路口见,无缘从此不相欠。Ten thousand beautiful futures are not equal to a warm present. Every real present is the future we once fantasized about. May you love the present and dream about the future. Some misses are for better meeting, some misses are to avoid torturing each other. Don"t feel sorry for losing now. See you at the next intersection. Never owe you anything.

十五、对自己说努力点,再努力点,让自己幸福起来,然后再努力让身边的人幸福起来。站在阳光下,努力地去微笑,嘴角都笑僵,然后停在那一时刻,仰起头望着天空的时候,我的眼角有那咸咸地东西流过。Say to yourself, try harder, make yourself happy, and then try to make the people around you happy. Standing in the sun, trying to smile, the corners of my mouth are stiff, and then stop at that moment, looking up at the sky, my eyes have the salty things flowing through.

十六、饺子要投入滚烫的沸水,才能成熟;人要经过痛苦的磨砺,才能成长。饺子要煮,人生要熬。若无其事,原来是最好的报复。何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,是为了自己。Dumplings need boiling water to mature; people need to go through painful grinding to grow up. Dumplings should be boiled, life should be boiled. If nothing happens, it is the best revenge. Why prove to the unworthy that life is better for oneself?

十七、结婚与恋爱毫无关系,人们老以为恋爱成熟后便自然而然的结婚,却不知结婚只是一种生活方式,人人可以结婚,简单得很。而爱情完全是另外一回事。Marriage has nothing to do with love. People always think that marriage is natural when love is mature, but they don"t know that marriage is only a way of life. Everyone can get married. It"s very simple. And love is quite another matter.

十八、我不看月亮,也不说想你,这样月亮和你都被蒙在鼓里。纵然繁华三千,看淡即是云烟,任凭烦恼无数,想开便是晴天。不以物喜,不以己悲,泰然若处,冷暖自尝。I don"t look at the moon, nor say I miss you, so the moon and you are all in the dark. Despite the prosperity of 3000, look at the light is clouds and smoke, regardless of numerous worries, think is sunny. Don"t be happy with things, don"t be sad with yourself, be calm, and enjoy the warmth and coldness.

十九、并不是动手打人才算暴力。暴力有很多种,打断你的话,把你扔在大街上,嘲笑你做不到的事,肆无忌惮拿你和别人做对比,都算。让你觉得你不配有更好的人生,是最大的暴力。It"s not about violence. There are many kinds of violence. If you interrupt, throw you in the street, laugh at what you can"t do, and compare yourself with others without fear, that"s all. Making you feel you don"t deserve a better life is the greatest violence.

二十、不辩就是智慧,不看就是自在,断恶就是行善,改过就是忏悔,不贪就是布施,谦卑就是礼佛,守礼就是持戒,不闻就是清净,原谅就是解脱,知足就是放下,利人就是利己。No argumentation is wisdom, no sight is freedom, breaking evil is doing good, correcting is repentance, no greed is giving, humility is ritual Buddha, observing ritual is adhering to precepts, no hearing is purity, forgiveness is liberation, contentment is letting go, benefiting others is self-interest.

二十一、所谓成长,就是实现独立生存、完成独立思考能力的自我奋斗。所谓成熟,就是对内消除傲慢,对外消除偏见的自我修行。心酸苦酒自己尝,大风大浪自己挡,自己靠自己最安心。The so-called growth is the self-struggle to achieve independent survival and the ability to think independently. The so-called maturity is self-cultivation of eliminating arrogance at home and prejudice at abroad. Sorrow and bitter wine for oneself to taste, strong winds and waves for oneself to block, oneself rely on oneself the most comfortable.

二十二、在你坚持不住的时候,记得告诉自己,再坚持一下。无论心情怎么糟糕,都不要打破生活原有的规律,按时吃饭、按时睡觉。1440分钟,365天,做该做的事,见想见的人,吃好吃的东西!When you can"t hold on, remember to tell yourself and stick to it again. No matter how bad your mood is, don"t break the original rules of life, eat and sleep on time. 1440 minutes, 365 days, do what should be done, meet the people you want, eat delicious food!

二十三、 生活坏到一定程度就会好起来,因为它无法更坏,努力过后,才知道许多事情,坚持坚持就过来了。人生有太多的过往不能被复制,聚散无常,起伏不定,但是走过去了,一切便从容了;无谓悲喜,翻阅过的光阴都不可能重来。Life will be better if it is bad to a certain extent, because it can"t be worse. After hard work, we will know many things and insist on it. Life has too many past can not be copied, gathered and scattered, fluctuations, but over the past, everything is at ease; meaningless sadness and joy, flipped through the time can not be restored.

二十四、 人生会有很多无奈和遗憾,你只能死扛。你要告诉自己,请不要因为情绪而做自己会后悔会难过的事。当你期待太多,原本简单的事就变得复杂了。不要急着说别无选择,也许、下个路口就会遇见希望。There will be a lot of helplessness and regret in life, you can only carry it to death. You have to tell yourself, please don"t do things you regret or feel sad because of your emotions. When you expect too much, simple things become complicated. Don"t rush to say that you have no choice. Maybe you will meet with hope at the next intersection.

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