
沪教版_六年级英语上册_三年级起点单词列表 例句汇总


沪教版六年级英语上册三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总沪教版六年级英语上册三年级起点单词列表、例句汇总共包含12个学习单元,134个单词。Unit 110个单词

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Unit 1(10个单词)


·month英 [mnθ] / n.一个月的时间;月份She was here for a month.(她在这儿呆了一个月。)·cute英 [kju:t] / adj.可爱的Oh, look at that kitten! He""s so cute.(哦,看看那只猫!它太可爱了。)·pretty英 [prti] / adj.漂亮的Wow,she""s pretty!Does she have a boyfriend?(哇,她很漂亮!她有男朋友吗?)·handsome英 [hnsm] / adj.英俊的;帅气的The handsome man posed for pictures.(这位英俊的男子摆好姿势准备照相。)·turtle英 [t:tl] / n.乌龟I hava a turtle.(我有一只海龟。)·catch英 [kt] / n.逮住;捕捉The cat is happy to catch the mouse.(抓到了杰瑞,汤姆很开心。)·fly英 [fla] / n.苍蝇The wild geese fly from north to south.(大雁由北向南飞。)·grow up英 [ɡru p] / 长大;成长I want to be a pilot when I grow up.(我想长大后当飞行员。)·junior high school英 [du:nj hai sku:l] / n.初级中学At my junior high school graduation.(在我初中毕业的时候。)·(be)born英 [bn] / 出生He was born of a peasant family.(他出生于一个农民家庭。)Unit 2(7个单词)


·famous英 [fems] / adj.著名的;出名的She is a famous singer and has many fans.(她是著名歌手,有很多粉丝。)·during英 [djr] / prep.在……期间The food in the freezer had thawed during a power cut.(冰箱里的食物在停电期间化开了。)·spend英 [spend] / vt.度过I spend too much money on clothes.(我花了太多的钱在买衣服上。)·everyone英 [evriwn] / pron.每个人;所有人Everyone in the world should care about the planet.(地球上的每个人都应该关心这颗星球。)·countryside英 [kntrisad] / n.乡村;农村I pine for the countryside.(我渴望乡间的生活。)·pick英 [pk] / vt.& vi.采摘Pick all the apples off the tree.(把树上的苹果都摘下来。)·summer holiday英 / 暑假This summer holiday was over.(这个暑假结束了。)Unit 3(14个单词)


·healthy英 [helθi] / adj.健康的;有益于健康的Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.(猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。)·unhealthy英 [nhelθi] / adj.不健康的;损害健康的His skin had an unhealthy greyish tinge.(他的皮肤有种不健康的淡灰色。)·hamburger英 [hmb:g(r)] / n.汉堡包Hamburger is unhealthy but delicious.(汉堡虽不健康但好吃。)·cola英 [kl] / n.可乐Do you like cola?(你喜欢可乐吗?)·yesterday英 [jestde] / n.昨天We went to the factory yesterday.(我们昨天去工厂了。)·fruit英 [fru:t] / n.水果I want some fruit.(我想要一些水果。)·pie英 [pa] / n.馅饼Glaze the pie with beaten egg.(将搅拌过的蛋汁浇在馅饼上。)·pizza英 [pi:ts] / n.比萨饼Do you like eating pizza?(你爱吃比萨饼吗?)·sandwich英 [snwt] / n.三明治She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·vegetable英 [vedtbl] / n.蔬菜I want rice and vegetables.(我要米饭和蔬菜。)·chicken英 [tkn] / n.鸡肉I want chicken.(我想吃鸡肉。)·chocolate英 [tklt] / n.巧克力What is your favourite chocolate bar?(你最喜欢哪种巧克力?)·a little英 [ litl] / adj.少量的I had grazed my knees a little.(我的膝盖擦破了一点皮。)·fish and chips英 / n.炸鱼薯条Fish and chips are packed with protein.(炸鱼薯条富含蛋白质。)Unit 4(7个单词)


·neighbour英 [""neb(r)] / n.邻居I got chatting with my neighbour in the garden.(我在花园里和邻居聊了一会。)·son英 [sn] / n.儿子They have a son.(他们有一个儿子。)·daughter英 [d:t(r)] / n.女儿Don""t pamper your little daughter.(别把你的小女儿娇坏了!)·noisy英 [nzi] / adj.吵闹的This room is too noisy.(这屋里太闹。)·owl英 [al] / n.猫头鹰This owl is small.(这只猫头鹰真小。)·dig英 [dg] / vi.挖(土);掘(洞)Dig a pit and bury the garbage.(挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。)·make noise英 [meik niz] / 制造噪音Dont""t make noise!(不要大声喧哗!)Unit 5(15个单词)


·thousand英 [θaznd] / n.一千This hall is big enough for a thousand people.(这个礼堂能盛一千人。)·hundred英 [hndrd] / num.一百I got one hundred percent!(我考了一百分!)·wild英 [wald] / adj.野生环境;野生的These herbs usually grow wild.(这些草药一般是野生的。)·South China tiger英 [sauθ tain taiɡ] / 华南虎Has the wild South China tiger extincted?(野生华南虎已经绝迹了吗?)·blue whale英 [blu: hweil] / n.蓝鲸The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet.(蓝鲸是地球上体型最大的生物。)·way英 [we] / n.路;方式;方法It was very difficult to see our way because of the fog.(由于有雾,我们很难看清道路。)·die英 [da] / vt.& vi.死亡To explode in silence, or to die in it.(不在沉默中爆发,就在沉默中死亡。)·rhino英 [ran] / n.犀牛They have driven the rhino to the edge of extinction.(他们已经令犀牛濒临灭绝。)·learn英 [l:n] / vt.& vi.学会;学习I found English much more difficult to learn.(我发现英语难学得多。)·send英 [send] / vt.安排去;寄;送I am going to send this letter out.(我要把这封信寄出去。)·in danger英 [in deind] / 面临危险His life could be in danger.(他的生命可能会有危险。)·in the past英 [in pɑst] / 在过去He said they were unrealistic and steeped in the past.(他说他们脱离现实,总是沉浸在过去。)·take care of英 [teik k v] / 照顾;照料I can take care of myself.(我能照顾好自己。)·go for a walk英 [ɡu f: w:k] / v.去散步Let""s go for a walk and give our minds a rest.(出去走一下,换换脑筋。)·drive away英 [draiv wei] / 赶走How did you drive him away?(您是如何将他赶走的?)Unit 6(8个单词)·e-friend英 [i:,frend] / 网友I dated an e-friend yesterday.(我昨天和一个网友见面了。)·country英 [kntri] / n.国家You can visit Big Ben in my country and take photos there.(你可以在我的国家参观大本钟,在那里拍照。)·other英 [(r)] / adj.其他的Peony casts the other flowers into the shade.(牡丹使其他的花逊色。)·team英 [ti:m] / n.(游戏或运动的)队His team is riding high.(他的团队正春风得意。)·hobby英 [hbi] / n.业余爱好Fishing is my hobby,so I often go to the lake on weekends.(钓鱼是我的爱好,所以我经常周末去湖边。)·grade英 [gred] / n.年级I""m in class two,grade three.(我在三年级二班。)·yourself英 [j:self] / pron.你自己Very well, please yourself.(好的,你自己随意。)·would like英 [wud laik] / (表示愿意、喜欢)I would like to make the following points.(我想提出下列几点。)Unit 7(15个单词)


·shall英 [l] / v.(表示提出或征求意见)Shall we dance together?(我们一起跳个舞吧?)·princess英 [prnses] / n.公主She was like a princess in a fairy tale.(她就像童话里的公主。)·police英 [pli:s] / n.警方;警察部门Police marksmen opened fire.(警察中的神枪手开了火。)·exciting英 [ksat] / adj.令人激动的;使人兴奋的He was enthralled by the exciting story.(那激动人心的故事使他听得入神了。)·brave英 [brev] / adj.勇敢的You are a brave man.(你是个勇敢的男人!)·policeman英 [pli:smn] / n.警察(复数policemen)The policeman has caught the murderer alive.(警察已捉拿到凶手。)·boring英 [b:r] / adj.没趣的;令人厌倦的This class is so boring that he falls asleep.(这堂课太无聊了,他睡着了。)·queen英 [kwi:n] / n.王后She met the Queen last week.(上周她受到了女王的接见。)·mirror英 [mr(r)] / n.镜子A mirror reflects light.(镜子能反光。)·fairest英 [ferst] / 最美丽的Of cities fairest one.(所有城市中最美的一个。)·kill英 [kl] / vt.& vi.杀死Chlorine is added to kill bacteria.(加氯是为了杀死细菌。)·asleep英 [sli:p] / adj.睡着的The moment I closed my eyes, I fell asleep.(我闭上眼睛就睡着了。)·next time英 [nekst taim] / n.& adv.下次We won""t let you off so easily next time.(下次我们不能这样轻易放过你。)·once upon a time英 [wns pn taim] / 从前Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away.(从前在一个遥远的国度里。)·fall asleep英 [f:l sli:p] / v.睡着When she finally fell asleep, she began to dream.(她终于睡着了,并开始做梦。)Unit 8(12个单词)


·bee英 [bi:] / n.蜜蜂The flower opens to reveal a bee.(花瓣展开,一只蜜蜂露了出来。)·insect英 [nsekt] / n.昆虫There""re many kinds of insects,such as butterflies,bees and ants.(昆虫有很多不同种类,比如蝴蝶、蜜蜂和蚂蚁。)·ant英 [nt] / n.蚂蚁The ant is a social insect.(蚂蚁是一种群居昆虫。)·anything英 [eniθ] / pron.任何东西We can""t do anything.(我们什么都做不了。)·kind英 [kand] / n.种类What kind of animals are Bees?(蜜蜂是什么种类的动物?)·finger英 [fg(r)] / n.手指She wiggled her finger.(她扭了扭手指。)·dancer英 [dɑ:ns(r)] / n.跳舞者;舞蹈演员She can be counted as a dancer.(她可以算一个舞蹈家。)·insect museum英 [nsekt mjuzim] / 昆虫博物馆Design of the insect digital museum.(昆虫数字化博物馆的建设。)·car museum英 [kɑ(r) mjuzim] / 汽车博物馆The Porsche museum decided to rebuild this car in 2007.(保时捷博物馆在2007年决定重建这辆车。)·model car英 [mdl kɑ:] / 汽车模型A model car is a small-scale copy of a car.(模型车是汽车的小型复制品。)·science museum英 [sains mju:zim] / 科学博物馆We visited the Science Museum yesterday.(我们昨天参观了科学博物馆。)·many kinds of英 / 各种各样的There are many kinds of things sold in this store.(这间店卖很多各种不同的东西。)Unit 9(12个单词)


·capital英 [kptl] / n.首都Beijing is the capital of China.(北京是中国的首都。)·north英 [n:θ] / n.北;北部Birds usually migrate from north to south.(鸟类通常由北向南迁徙。)·east英 [i:st] / n.东;东部The sun rises from the east.(太阳从东方升起。)·west英 [west] / n.西,西部LA is in the west of the United States.(洛杉矶在美国西部。)·south英 [saθ] / n.南;南部Irrigation is easy in the South because of the abundance of water.(南方多水,利于灌溉。)·palace英 [pls] / n.王宫;宫殿This palace is grand.(这座宫殿很宏大。)·most英 [mst] / n.大多数Who ate the most?(谁吃得最多?)·tourist英 [trst] / n.游客A tourist walked up to me to ask the way.(一位游客走过来向我问路。)·building英 [bld] / n.建筑物;楼房In this modern city center,every building looks the same.(在这座现代化城市中心,每栋建筑看起来都一样。)·sushi英 [su:i] / n.寿司(日本食物)You eat sushi this way.(寿司是这样吃的。)·in the north of英 [in n:θ v] / 在……北部The city in the north of China.(那座城市位于中国的北部。)·in the east of英 [in ist v] / adv.在……东部Shanghai lies in the east of China.(上海位于中国的东部。)Unit 10(13个单词)


·air英 [e(r)] / n.空气Let""s go out for some fresh air.(咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。)·everywhere英 [evriwe(r)] / adv.处处;到处Dust is everywhere.(到处都是灰尘。)·alive英 [lav] / adj.活着的No man alive is greater than he.(在活着的人中没有人比他更伟大了。)·balloon英 [blu:n] / n.气球The balloon rose up slowly into the air.(气球缓缓升上天空。)·factory英 [fktri] / n.工厂This factory manufactures shoes.(这家工厂制造鞋子。)·smoke英 [smk] / n.烟Do you smoke?(您吸烟吗?)·dirty英 [d:ti] / adj.脏的My hands are dirty.I must wash them.(我的手很脏,必须得洗了。)·clean英 [kli:n] / adj.干净的;洁净的She got up early and cleaned the flat.(她早早就起了床,把公寓打扫干净。)·hurt英 [h:t] / vi.感到痛My leg hurts.(我的腿疼。)·fresh英 [fre] / adj.清新的They can now be bought fresh in supermarkets.(这些现在可以在超市买到新鲜的了。)·plant英 [plɑ:nt] / vt.种植We often plant trees.(我们经常种树。)·keep…alive英 / 让……活着You need love to keep alive.(你要乐于让自己永葆活力。)·plant trees英 / 植树We can plant trees in spring.(春天我们可以植树。)Unit 11(7个单词)·wood英 [wd] / n.木头;木材The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork.(木材被制成精细的家具。)·cool英 [ku:l] / vt.& vi.使变凉It""s cool and windy.(天气凉爽多风。)·match英 [mt] / n.火柴He struck a match.(他划了一根火柴。)·miss英 [ms] / v.想念We""ll see what we can do, miss.(我们会尽量想办法,小姐。)·have to英 [hv t] / 不得不I""d have to be extra careful.(我不得不格外小心。)·cut…down英 / 把……砍倒I am going to cut this tree down.(我要把这棵树砍倒。)·look for英 [luk f:] / 寻找Is this the right place to look for science fiction novels?(这是找科幻小学的地方吗?)Unit 12(14个单词)


·Earth英 [:θ] / n.地球We only have one earth,so we should do all we can to protect her.(我们只有一个地球,所以我们应该竭尽所能去保护她。)·part英 [pɑ:t] / n.地区;区域He was just right for the part.(他是那个角色的不二人选。)·forest英 [frst] / n.森林The forest looked beautiful in the sun.(在阳光的照射下,森林看上去十分漂亮。)·land英 [lnd] / n.陆地The sea erodes the land.(海洋侵蚀陆地。)·ocean英 [n] / n.海洋The cape extends far into the ocean.(那海岬伸向海洋远处。)·rubbish英 [rb] / n.垃圾They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.(他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。)·sick英 [sk] / adj.生病的The sick girl has to stay in bed and rest.(这个生病的女孩不得不躺在床上休息。)·recycle英 [ri:sakl] / vt.回收利用;再利用It is printed on recycled paper.(它是用再生纸打印的。)·glass英 [glɑ:s] / n.玻璃制品;玻璃Bring me a glass of water, Sally. I""m very thirsty.(给我一杯水,Sally。我很渴。)·own英 [n] / adj.自己的I need a room of my own.(我需要有一间自己的房间。)·so many英 [s meni] / 这么多Don""t make so many dishes.(别搞那么多菜了。)·pick up英 [pik p] / v.捡起;拾起Look. Kate is picking up an egg.(瞧。Kate 正捡起一枚蛋。)·shopping bag英 [p bɡ] / n. 购物袋She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag.(她提着一个购物袋离开了酒店。)·plastic bag英 [plstk bɡ] / n. 塑料袋What""s in this plastic bag?(塑料袋里是什么?)《沪教版_六年级英语上册_三年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。

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外研社版小学英语(一起点)一年级上册 Module 5 课文音频&视频+单词+知识点+单元练习

外研社版小学英语(一起点)一年级上册 Module 5 课文音频&视频+单词+知识点+单元练习

一年级上册 Module 5课文音频&视频+单词+知识点+单元练习点上方绿标即可收听朗读音频◆◆◆▲点上方视频即可学习本单元知识点◆◆◆本视频来源于网络,仅供学习参考点上方绿标即可收听朗读音频◆◆◆this [s] 这个our ["a(r) ...

2019-07-27 #经典句子