


Tell the peach blossom that I dont need to bloom, and I can meet the cold and summer by myself ▲02我一个人行走江湖,走马观花不会为谁而驻足

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Tell the peach blossom that I don"t need to bloom, and I can meet the cold and summer by myself.



I walk alone in the Jianghu, and I will not stop for anyone.



I never felt lonely. To be romantic, I am completely free。



Only when you eat citric acid is sour can you have fun in the game.



When the flowers bloom, I will draw flowers. When the flowers die, I will draw myself.



Life is vast, and you should not only love and be loved in your eyes.



My interesting soul is enough to support my single life.



Not interested, do not want to know, do not want to talk nonsense.



Turn a corner, make peace with yourself, everything is the best arrangement.



I prefer the days when no one cares about my emotions to the days when no one cares about them.



It"s boring to love, but the days go on. The evening wind and cool beer are not happy.



I don"t like the feeling of being swayed by considerations of gain and loss. No matter who I am, I"m not sure I can keep it.



There is no deep and lasting love, so it is more interesting to walk alone.



I was going to get caught in the rain. When I met you, I opened an umbrella for me. When I reached the fork in front, you suddenly told me that we had different roads. I was still caught in the rain alone.



No woman is innocent about the fact that I have no date.



I have a boyfriend. Thank you for your concern. I don"t plan to make it public yet, because the relationship is still unstable. After all, sometimes I can"t dream of it.



Love stinks all over the world, but only I smell the fragrance of single dog.



For some reason, the old jujube trees in the courtyard bear a few bad fruits this year, which is slightly bitter, but on second thought, the woman in my dream last night was also a little sweet.



Generally, I was ill, and I couldn"t sleep in bed. I sat up and quietly looked out of the window. This sadness didn"t come to me, and I looked at the two pillows at the bedside, one of which was mine and the other was mine.



Generally, it"s time to find a girl. Recently, it"s very cold at night, especially in my heart.



Facing this cold provocation, the two quilts also seem to have a little difficulty. Perhaps only the care of my favorite girl can make me feel warm.



You can"t have your cake and eat it, but you can be poor and single.



Generally speaking, I was old, and I didn"t feel anything when I hurried alone. When I was eating, a pair of chopsticks and a bowl came to taste some loneliness.



The lakeside flowers are blooming again. The sunset shines on the lake. It reflects me, but only my shadow. It does not move, and neither do I.



After you left, I got a serious illness, which caused me great pain. Later, I came back to life, but I forgot myself.



I don"t want to give up, so I keep insisting and don"t want to cry, so I always pretend to laugh and don"t want to be left behind, so I prefer to be alone.



A person is still dreaming and waiting. Therefore, I like a person to record thin sadness in words and light sadness in words.


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