
人间正道有沧桑 大彻大悟之句 使人感动 使人感悟


Time is passing like running water, and youth inadvertently let the years grind the face A life in a hurry floats like a

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时间如流水一般在流失,青春在不经意间让岁月抹去了容颜,匆匆的人生像梦一样 沉浮飘落。

Time is passing like running water, and youth inadvertently let the years grind the face. A life in a hurry floats like a dream.


The rest of my life, to understand the heart, with a smile to treat. A happy day seems to flash like a meteor, and a sad day seems to pass like a ring. If you want to understand, look down, the girls will be happy.


People in this life, you want too much, you will have pressure, you think too much, you will have trouble. Life is mutual, you have more, you have to pay more, some people only see the aura of others, and do not see others pay. So I feel annoyed and feel unfair.


Life is very short, see one side will be less than one side, live one day will be less than one day, do not all day in order to do not belong to their own things so that they worry. Because some things are yours, always yours, not yours, you can"t keep them. This is the life sometimes must have, the life all the time does not force.


In this life, people must be worthy of their own conscience when doing things. For those who are kind to us, we must not forget. For those who are not good to us, we are far away from him. Some grudges should be put down. We must learn to let go. Sometimes, we must learn to laugh and solve enmity. Don"t make yourself unhappy for some old things, it will only make you more unhappy and unhappy.


Life is naked to come, naked to go, life does not bring, death does not take. What fame and fortune, what glory and wealth, and finally you can not even take a trace of dust, when you want to understand when you will not feel tired, will not feel bitter.


In this life, as long as you are alive, contentment is happiness, don"t compare with anyone, because everyone has a story of everyone. The story of others, you are not necessarily suitable, others are better, and will not give you anything for no reason. No matter how bad others live, you will not give things to others for no reason, so. It is the last word to live the present self well, so that you can live a happy life. In order to be happy.

其实人生最大的快乐就是一日三餐有家人的陪伴,看着父母的健康,看着儿女的快乐 ,和自己心爱的人一起慢慢变老,这样的平常生活才是快乐,才是幸福。

In fact, the greatest happiness in life is to be accompanied by family members for three meals a day. Looking at the health of their parents, looking at the happiness of their children, and their loved ones slowly grow old together such a normal life. Is happiness, is happiness.


Life comes to the world once, it is a dream, don"t care about everything, step by step. That will only increase their own troubles, increase sorrow. What is the purpose of a person"s life map? No, it"s just a picture of happiness. So don"t take everything too seriously. In fact, some things and some people sleep naturally, we do not have a clear conscience is not better.


It is good for people to live happily in this life. What is more money and less money, health is the most important. Happiness is the real wealth. When life is conditional, there are people who cherish themselves. Don"t wait until you have no conditions to cherish it. At that time, you only have to regret and regret.



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