
可以让人舒缓的情感文案 简短温柔 治愈自己内心!


I hope someone will understand your lowered head and not speak, carefully guard your childish 不愿意承诺,只有在孤单的时候,才会想起最熟悉的你

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I hope someone will understand your lowered head and not speak, carefully guard your childish.


Not willing to promise, only in lonely time, will think of the most familiar with you.


I love eating this snack!!They"re in the school canteen. They"re called purple potatoes for you.


Flashy vicissitudes after all too many injuries.


You don"t have to be good, I like you, I am not very good, you do not abandon good.


People fear the strangeness after deep friendship, the pain after serious, the use of trust, the indifference after gentle


It"s interesting to learn that the people who hurt you the most are the ones who say they never would.


I"m not entirely sure how I feel right now, and I don"t want to rush into a relationship.


Pain and joy in love are always fighting each other.- mio Confucianism


Also jun pearl double tears down, hate not to meet not married.


You don"t have to fall in love with a beautiful person, but fall in love with someone who makes your life beautiful.


Do not love you really too much, do not love you really too sorry myself, do not love you my friends will hit me, my goal is only one - love you.


In everyone"s heart, there is someone you never mention, also never forget.

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