
舍不得情绪化的温柔小句子 现实有意义 爱永存心!



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I want to give you everything I have, but you don"t look at it at all. You put it in your heart and say I"ve been stopping you all day. I really want to show you my heart, but I still have my family.


Don"t delete, don"t contact, don"t disturb, this is the last tenderness for her.

两个有感情的人分开后,都幻想对方会过得比自己好,所以决心不打扰。其实~ ~他们俩都过得不好。

After two people with feelings are separated, they both fantasize that the other person will live better than themselves, so they are determined not to disturb. Actually, they are both having a hard time.


I once naively thought that if you treat anyone sincerely, you can get true friendship and true love. Later, I met some people and experienced some things before I realized that everything was just what I thought. Meeting is always caught off guard, while leaving is always planned for a long time. There are always some people who will slowly fade out of your life. You should learn to accept rather than miss it. If you can"t keep your heart, let it fly.


It is said that derailment is more deadly than poison, more choking than falling into the sea and more collapsing than falling off a cliff. In fact, there are bullying everywhere in life, whether for good or bad reasons.


A person can easily get out of other people"s world, but can"t get out of his own desert.


Maybe all I can do is stop disturbing your life. I originally wanted to pay attention to your life silently, but I didn"t have a chance to explain everything, and there was no need to explain it. The only thing I can do for you now is to stop disturbing your ideal life and live a happy life with the ideal person.


We didn"t say goodbye, but it was a tacit understanding not to disturb each other.


Unconsciously, it"s the fifth year, and I won"t bother you now. I don"t love anyone anymore.


After walking for a long time, I was finally too tired to walk. Think about what I wrote over and over again, think about my own entanglement, think about how to face it, there is no reason to meet again this time; You didn"t bring me; I won"t bother you either; I am not qualified; Like my friend said, we can never go back to the past. I won"t bother you again.

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