
温文尔雅的情感文字 感人肺腑 让人心动不已


Time is very long, huge crowd boundless, dont look back also dont settle, there will be lover to love you naturally 你的心就是我的海角和天涯,我不能去得更远

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Time is very long, huge crowd boundless, don"t look back also don"t settle, there will be lover to love you naturally.


Your heart is my cape and the horizon, I can"t go farther.We all go to the ends of the earth, not walk half the earth, but the world.


Falling in love with you is not wrong, wrong is, I did not let you fall in love with me.


I won"t allow you to cry, because if you cry with me, it proves I"m useless, so why do YOU need me?


"Because I gave you my heart."


"Just a moment, I need to get something."


Have you ever seen a heartbeat?So you know how I feel about you?Heartache.


Whether you care about me, it doesn"t matter, I still care about you.


It"s raining. Others are waiting for umbrellas. I"m waiting for the rain to stop.


How many words from the heart are taken as verbal jest and unappreciated.


Love is a fickle guy, it is eager to get everything, but almost everything dissatisfied.


When there is nothing to say to each other, this relationship is over.

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