
高级又走心的情感文案 既扎心又现实 触动心灵


Most of the time, even if it is cold and painful, you can hold your teeth and resist not letting yourself cry On the c

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The world is inherently painful, without exception.


"Most of the time, even if it is cold and painful, you can hold your teeth and resist not letting yourself cry. On the contrary, the sudden warmth can force people to cry at once.


He shed tears just to wash away the filth in his eyes.


People say you have changed because you didn"t live according to his idea.


Make you gnash your teeth. Not how bad they are, but because you care. So if you want peace of mind, you should not care first. If you don"t care about something, it won"t hurt you. If you don"t care about people, they won"t make you angry. If you care, you have already lost. He who cares nothing is invincible.


I am just a person who is not even a passer-by.


"I really don"t like others." You"re probably narcissistic about yourself.


Maybe time will take away your jealous face, but it can"t take away my firm belief in loving you, because I have an infinite and gentle strength, which is single-minded!


The middle-aged woman who lost her camera has a good facial expression. In order not to attract others" attention, she twisted an unhappy face out of the window. The colorful autumn scenery reminded her of her upset thoughts.


I like you for a long time, and have been waiting for you for a long time. Now, I want to leave, even longer than a long time.


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