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after time, after a time

after time过了规定的时间: We cannot wait for anyone who arrives after time.我们不等任何一个过了规定时间才到的人。

after a time过了一段时间:I didn"t care for the place at first, but after a time I got to like it.我起初不喜欢这个地方,但过了一段时间以后便开始喜欢它了。

at birth, at a birth

at birth出生时: The baby weighted seven pounds at birth.婴儿出生时,体重七磅。

at a birth一胎:Pigs often have twelve or thirteen young at a birth.猪每胎通常产仔十二三只。

in body, in a body

in body亲自,自行: I observed the incident in body.我目睹了这件事。

in a body全体,一齐: The staff of the company resigneed in a body.公司职工全体辞职。

in fashion, in a fashion

in fashion流行: This kind of dress is quite in fashion.这种服装现在很流行。

in a fashion勉强 :Mary speaks Chinese in a fashion.玛丽能勉强讲点汉语。

in kind , in a kind

in kind以实物(支付),以同样的方法或手段: Farmers in these small villages often pay their bills in kind.在这些小村子里,农民经常以实物付货款。 Blood debts must be paid in kind.血债要用血来还。

in a kind在某种程度上,有几分; What he says is, in a kind, insult.他的话在某种程度上是一种侮辱, I like him in a kind but he is very rude.我有点喜欢他,但他太粗鲁了。

in pickle, in a pickle

ke准备好,待用 We have a rod in pickle for outlaws.我们准备好惩罚那些不法之徒。

in a pickle乱七八糟,十分混乱,处境困难: The house was in such a pickle that one could scarcely believe anyone was living in it.屋里乱七八糟的,简直让人难以相信有人住在里面。 She was in a pretty pickle after the check bounced.她开的支票被拒付而退还以后,处境十分狼狈。

in measure, in a measure

in measure适度地,在一定限度内:But I will correct thee (you) measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.(thee为古英语thou的宾格)但我将要惩罚你,万不能不惩罚你。

in a measure有几分,部分地,多多少少: What he says is,in a measure, correct.他说的有几分正确。

in state. in a state

In state正式的,隆重地: The president was received in state.总统受到隆重地接待。

in a state处于焦急、激动的状态;处于糟糕、混乱、不整洁的状态:

She was in a state when she heard her mother was ill.听说妈妈病了,她内心焦急不安。 Her clothes were in a state,她的衣服乱七八糟。

in word, in a word

in word口头上,表面上: Whoever sides with the revolutionary people in deed as well as in word is a revolutionary in the full sense. 如果不仅在口头上而且在行动上也站在革命人民方面,他就是一个完全的革命派。

in a word总而言之,简言之: In a word, while prospects are bright,the road has twists and turns.总之,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。

of age , of an age

of age成年,到达法定年龄:John will be of age on his next birthday.约翰过下个生日就达到成年了。

of an age同年,同岁: We are of an age.我们是同年的。

with child, with a child

with child怀孕: I believe his wife is with child.我认为他的妻子怀孕了。

with a child带着孩子: She is with a child.她带着孩子。

draw breath, draw a breath

raw breath嘴口气: He was so tired that he had to draw breath for a moment.他太累了,只得停下来喘气片刻。

draw a breath吸气: He opened the window and drew a breath。他打开窗子,深深地吸了一口气。

buy glass, buy a glass

buy glass买玻璃: He bought two pieces of glass.他买了两块玻璃。

buy a glass买玻璃杯: He bought two glasses of beer.他买了两杯啤酒。

go bust, go a bust

go bust失败,破产,完蛋: Companies do go bust.公司有时会破产

go a bust狂饮,纵酒取乐: I was in pocket now, So I decided to go a bust and back a number.现在我有钱了,所以我就决心大喝一杯酒、赌赌钱。

go to show, go to a show

go to show证明…,说明…(show为动词): His success goes to show how much an ambitious young man can accomplish.他的成功说明有雄心壮志的青年能做出多大的成就。

o to a show(在电影院、剧院)看演出:If you can be free tomorrow, we " ll go to a show.如果你明天有空,我们去看演出。

have time, have a time

have time有时间:If I have time, I will help you repair your radio.如果我有时间,我就帮你修理收音机。

have a time有困难,费力的;过得快乐: She had a time trying to get the children to go to bed.她费了好大的劲才把孩子们哄睡。 She had herself a time going to the movies every Saturday evening.她很开心,每个星期六晚上都去看电影。

have word, have a word

have word听到消息、新闻: We had word that he was suspended from his office.我们听说他被停职了。

have a word谈一谈: I"ll have a word with him in private.我将私下和他谈一谈。

keep shop, keep a shop

keep shop照管店务: Mr Green got a friend to keep shop for him while he went to his wife"s funeral.格林先生给妻子送葬时,请了一位朋友为他看店。

keep a shop开店铺,做店主: They keep a shop in Ottawa.他们在渥太华开了一间店铺。

keep house, keep a House

keep house料理家务: She preferred staying house with her family keeping house to continuing her career.她宁愿和全家呆在一起料理家务,而不愿意继续从事自己的事业。

keep a House(英国议会下院)维持开会的法定人数(四十名以上的议员): They remain for the sake of keeping a House.他们留下来,以便维持开会的法定人数。

make note of, make a note of

make note of指出,注意到: He made note of the treacherousness of modern revisions.他指出现代修正主义的阴谋。

make a note of记录下来,记下,作笔记:I have made a note of what he said.我把他讲的记下来了。

say little, say a little

say little说得少: He says little but does much.他说得少,干得多。

ay a little说一些:He says a little about the plan.关于这个计划,他说了一些。

take account of, take an account of

take account of考虑,注意,重视:Have you taken account of possible shifts in demand? 你没有考虑市场需求可能发生的变化吗?

take an account of把…列表,把…登账: Our department store takes an account of stock at the end of every month.我们的百货商店每逢月底都要盘点存货。

take flight, take a flight

take fligh逃走: Our troops captured the town before the enemy could take flight.敌人还未来得及逃走,我军就把这座市镇占领了。

take a flight飞走,飞去;飞行: A flight of birds took a flight.一群鸟飞走了。 He will take a round- the-world flight.他将做环球飞行。

take note of, take a note of

take note of注意到: Your remarks have been taken careful note of, and I hope soon to give a detailed reply to each of them.你们的讲话已受到充分注意,我想不久以后逐一给予详细答复。

take a note of把…记录下来 He took a note of my lecture.我的讲座他做了笔记。

take rest, take a rest

1akre以睡觉,就寝: His son has taken rest.他的儿子又睡觉了

take a rest。休息,稍休息: You should take a rest for ten minutes.你应该休息十分钟。


初中语法:不定冠词的精彩笔记 可以收藏起来慢慢看

初中语法:不定冠词的精彩笔记 可以收藏起来慢慢看

...是对人类忠诚的动物。3.用于表示时间、速度、价格等意义的名词前,有“每一”之义,相当于every。—How much is the meat? 肉多少钱?—It"s eight yuan a kilo. 8块钱每公斤。4.泛指某人或某物。A boy is looking at you. 一个男孩在看你。5...

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