
看到忍不住流泪的伤心小句子 简单美好 总是可以深入人心


You leave, my sky less a color;You leave, my world more than a missing 年纪大了,竟然变得脆弱起来了

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You leave, my sky less a color;You leave, my world more than a missing.


Old age, actually become fragile up.


I miss you more than a word can express.


Along the way, with the thief"s eyes staring at you;I"m not a thief. I just don"t want to see the light.


"My ultimate goal is to get you and feed you into old age."


I will block up the heart, afraid of a person suddenly into my world, and then the merciless and heartless leave me, let me hardly wished to live.


You go, but left me a person to cry, tears wet clothes corner, wet sky.


Obviously have forgotten, but always inadvertently, a picture, the heart faint pain.


I say sober crazies and do rational absurdities.Like to fruitless efforts, looking forward to a bleak future.


No matter where you go, no matter when, there will be an invisible net, covering the past smile, as well as the adherence of heart.


Small as a sparrow is, it has guts and guts.


Once you did not have the true feeling to me cold my heart hurt me, now you finally feel my existence, but I have become someone else"s bride!

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