
满是难过的情感文案 感同身受 值得分享!


The end of the examination, I cried, others asked me why to cry, I said, it took me three years of good friends and I love people 一生一人,一人一生,于愿足矣

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The end of the examination, I cried, others asked me why to cry, I said, it took me three years of good friends and I love people.


One life, one life, to wish enough.The short time she gave him was worth the tedious life of others.


Loving someone who doesn"t love you back is like hugging a cactus. The tighter you hold on, the more it hurts.


Not only your name, but also your cute appearance.


It turns out that China Mobile lies


Hold your hand, long walk.


I said I would forget, because sadness filled the heart.


Those who have not fallen do not know the pain of wrestling;Those who have not shed tears do not know the clarity of their eyes.


Years static good, from the young to the evening, only deep feeling in total hoary.Hot days are not afraid, with your company.


There is no way, when there is no hero, we can only be our own hero!


A lifetime with you, that is the future, for others, that will be.


Who according to the rules to love, who can not love.- montaigne

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