
唯美高级的情感文案 阳光积极 懂你的心


Love a person, can be whispered, can also be a moment of soft choking, gorgeous color in the text, is the color of true love of the heart 有时,爱也是种伤害

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I can"t think of any reason for me to live except loving you.You want to kill yourself?


Love a person, can be whispered, can also be a moment of soft choking, gorgeous color in the text, is the color of true love of the heart.


Sometimes, love is also kind of hurt.Cruel people, choose to hurt others;Good people, choose to hurt themselves.


Really want one day, I can no longer say good night to you in front of the screen, because you are by my side.


Change if you are not satisfied, divide if you don"t like, walk if you are not comfortable, and remove if you are not happy. There are so many pains in life, but you never let go of yourself!


Say one-sided is stay up late, say it is insomnia really, be you really?


I hope I can see you every morning when I open my eyes


In the evening, the pain came out, first lost for a moment, and then the nerves of the viscera woke up together, million arrows pierced the heart.


I like you without any reason. If I don"t like you, everything is a reason.


Youth, again how to squander, also can not escape the world.


If you don"t mind taking the trouble, could you please like me?


You can lie to me, but you better figure out how to explain it to me first.

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