
沪教牛津深圳版_二年级英语下册单词列表 例句汇总


沪教牛津深圳版二年级英语下册单词列表、例句汇总沪教牛津深圳版二年级英语下册单词列表、例句汇总共包含12个学习单元,101个单词。Unit 16个单词他们是

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Unit 1(6个单词)


·are[ɑ(r) , e(r)] / v./aux.是;就是They are my mother and father.(他们是我的爸爸和妈妈。)·they[e] / pron.他们;她们;它们They are happy together.(他们在一起很开心。)·brown[bran] / adj.棕色的;褐色的I""m painting the wall in brown.(我在把墙刷成棕色。)·white[wat] / adj.白色的The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak.(积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣。)·black[blk] / adj.黑色的A big black balloon,please.(请给我一个又大又黑的气球。)·and[nd , nd] / conj.和;与There""s a needle and cotton there.(那儿有针和线。)Unit 2(12个单词)


·feel[fil] / n.摸;摸起来I am feeling very depressed.(我觉得非常沮丧。)·touch[tt] / v.触摸;碰Don""t touch the exhibits.(请勿触摸展品。)·hard[hɑd] / adj.坚硬的It""s hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.(在大风浪中为船舶引航是很困难的。)·soft[sft] / adj.软的;柔软的Pat it dry with a soft towel.(用柔软的毛巾将它拍干。)·happy[hpi] / adj.感到快乐的She is always happy to see her friend.(见到自己的朋友,她总是很开心。)·birthday[bθde] / n.生日Hey,it""s my Birthday!Let""s celebrate.(嘿,今天是我的生日!让我们庆祝一下。)·for[f(r) , f(r)] / prep.给Here""s some strawberry for you.(这些草莓给你。)·guess[ɡes] / n.猜测Who is she?Guess!(她是谁?猜猜看!)·pencil case[pensl kes] / n.铅笔盒;铅笔袋I want a new pencil case.(我想要一个新铅笔盒。)·open[pn] / v.打开He opened the window and looked out.(他打开窗户往外看。)·wow[wa] / int.(表示极大的惊奇)哇,呀I thought, ""Wow, what a good idea"".(我想:“哇,多好的主意呀。”)·watch[wt] / n.表;手表Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)Unit 3(8个单词)


·train[tren] / n.火车;列车The train pulled into a station.(列车驶入了一个车站。)·ship[p] / n.(大)船The ship has docked.(船已经靠码头了。)·car[kɑ(r)] / n.小汽车;轿车Can I have a car?(可以给我一辆汽车吗?)·bus[bs] / n.公共汽车;巴士They waited at a bus stop.(他们在一个公共汽车站等车。)·listen[lsn] / n.听Listen,somebody is beating at the door.(听,有人在敲门。)·beside[bsad] / prep.在······旁边The loyal dog is lying beside her master.(这只忠诚的狗狗正趴在主人旁边。)·window/ n.窗户I opened a shuttered window.(我打开了一扇百叶窗已合上的窗户。)·can""t(=cannot) / 不能Oh, no! I can""t skate.(哦,不!我不会滑冰。)Unit 4(14个单词)


·thing[θ] / n.东西;物These are different things that people need in daily life.(这些都是日常生活中人们需要的东西。)·doing[du] / v.(do的ing形式)做What are you doing?(你在干什么?)·running[rn] / v.(run的ing形式)跑步Do you like running?(你喜欢跑步吗?)·skating[sket] / v.(skate的ing形式)滑(滑板);滑冰There""s a skating rink uptown.(市郊有一个滑冰场。)·hopping[hp] / v.(hop的ing形式)单脚跳行I hopped down three steps.(我单脚跳下了3级台阶。)·riding[rad] / v.(ride的ing形式)骑;驾驶I""m taking riding lessons.(我在学习骑马。)·skate[sket] / v.滑(滑板;溜冰)I like skating, Can you skate?(我喜欢滑冰,你会滑冰吗?)·hop[hp] / v.单脚跳行I hopped down three steps.(我单脚跳下了3级台阶。)·skipping/ v.(skip的ing形式)跳绳I finally learned to rope skipping!(我终于学会了跳绳!)·flying / v.(fly的ing形式)飞;飞翔Look, a plane is flying in the sky.(瞧,一架飞机在天空飞翔!)·swimming / v.(swim的ing形式)游泳Do you like to go swimming?(你喜欢去游泳吗?)·too[tu] / adv.也The box is too small for him to sit in.(这个盒子太小了,它坐不下。)·let’s / (=let us)让我们let""s go to the park.(我们去公园吧。)·together[tɡe(r)] / adv.在一起;公共We went on long bicycle rides together.(我们一起骑自行车长途旅行。)Unit 5(9个单词)

·would like[wd lak] / v.(表示愿意、喜欢)I would like to make the following points.(我想提出下列几点。)·some[sm , sm] / det.一些I ordered some new books from the bookstore.(我从书店订购了一些新书。)·salad[sld] / n.(生吃的)蔬菜色拉Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.(把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。)·sure[(r)] / adv.(表示同意)当然Your want me to call him?Sure,I can do that!(你想让我给他打电话么?当然,我能做到!)·don""t/ (=do not)Oh, I don""t like grapes.(哦,我不喜欢葡萄。)·fish[f] / n.鱼;鱼肉Do you like fish?(你喜欢鱼吗?)·chicken[tkn] / n.鸡;鸡肉I want chicken.(我想吃鸡肉。)·nice[nas] / adj.令人愉快的Nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)·yummy[jmi] / adj.美味的They are quite yummy!(好吃极了!)Unit 6(7个单词)


·zebra[zebr] / n.斑马A zebra has stripes.(斑马身上有条纹。)·giraffe[drɑf] / n.长颈鹿This is the giraffe.(这是一只长颈鹿。)·snake[snek] / n.蛇I hava a snake.It""s long.(我有一条蛇,它很长。)·elephant[elfnt] / n.大象His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。)·lion[lan] / n.狮子The lion roared once, and sprang.(狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。)·toy shop[t p] / n.玩具店We see many toys in the toy shop!(我们在玩具店看到了许多玩具。)·toy[t] / n.玩具The boy sat there, playing his toy leisurely and carefree.(那男孩坐在那里,自由自在地玩着玩具。)Unit 7(8个单词)


·autumn[tm] / n.秋天Leaves turn yellow in the autumn.(秋天,叶子变黄了。)·cool[kul] / adj.凉爽的It""s cool and windy.(天气凉爽多风。)·winter[wnt(r)] / n.冬天I can go skiing in the winter.(冬天里我可以滑雪。)·cold[kld] / adj.寒冷的I prefer the cold,snowy mountains over warm places.(比起温暖的地方,我更喜欢寒冷、白雪皑皑的山区。)·fly a kite[fla kat] / 放风筝Can you fly a kite?(你会放风筝吗?)·eat[it] / v.吃She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·fruit[frut] / n.水果I want some fruit.(我想要一些水果。)·sleeping[slip] / v.(sleep的ing形式)睡觉I unrolled my sleeping bag as usual.(我像往常一样铺开我的睡袋。)Unit 8(6个单词)


·traffic[trfk] / n.交通Road traffic has reached saturation point.(公路交通已达到饱和点。)·rule[rul] / n.规则;规章There is no cast-iron rule.(没有一成不变的规则。)·light[lat] / n.灯;电灯What""s near the light?(灯附近有什么?)·stop[stp] / n.停止;停下The road worker held up his hand to stop the car.(修路工人举手让车停下来。)·go[ɡ] / v.去;走Where do you want to do,child?(你要去哪里?)·wait[wet] / v.等;等待The spider must wait for prey to be ensnared on its web.(蜘蛛必须等待猎物被它的蛛网困住。)Unit 9(5个单词)


·sweater[swet(r)] / n.毛衣;线衣She wears a yellow sweater.(她穿了一件黄色的毛衣。)·shirt[t] / n.(尤指男士的)衬衫Put on your shirt.(穿上你的衬衫。)·coat[kt] / n.外套;大衣She wore a thick coat to keep warm in the winter.(大冬天她穿了一件厚外套来保暖。)·trousers[trazz] / n.裤子She wears a pair of white trousers.(她穿着一条白裤子。)·woof[wf] / int.(狗叫声)汪汪She started going ""woof woof"".(它开始“汪汪”地叫起来。)Unit 10(3个单词)

·play yo-yo[ple j j] / 玩溜溜球I can play yo-yo games.(我会玩溜溜球游戏。)·play cards[ple kɑdz] / 打牌We often play cards.(我们时常玩牌。)·play football[ple ftbl] / 踢足球Can you play football?(你会踢足球吗?)Unit 11(9个单词)

·Teachers""Day/ 教师节Happy Teachers""Day!(祝您教师节快乐!)·teacher[tit(r)] / n.教师I""m a teache.(我是一名教师。)·today[tde] / n.今天What day is it today?(今天星期几?)·September[septemb(r)] / n.九月September 5th is my birthday.It""s coming soon!(9月5日是我的生日,就快要到了!。)·idea[ad] / n.想法;主意Whose idea is it?(这是谁的主意?)·card[kɑd] / n.卡片;贺卡Here is a card for you.(这是给你的一张卡片。)·balloon[blun] / n.气球The balloon rose up slowly into the air.(气球缓缓升上天空。)·blow[bl] / v.吹;吹气A cold wind blew from the east.(东边吹来一股冷风。)·tie[ta] / v.系;绑He began to tie his shoelaces.(他开始系鞋带。)Unit 12(14个单词)

·Papa Bear[ppɑ be(r)] / n.熊爸爸Papa Bear is too heavy.(熊爸爸太重了。)·Mama Bear[mm be(r)] / n.熊妈妈You want to poke mama bear right now?(你现在想挑衅一只熊妈妈吗?)·Baby Bear[bebi be(r)] / n.熊宝宝Baby bear went back to sleep.(熊孩儿又回去睡觉了。)·go out[ɡ at] / 外出I""m going out tonight.(我今晚要出去玩。)·hungry[hɡri] / adj.感到饿的He""s hungry for a hamburger.(他太饿了,想吃个汉堡包。)·thirsty[θsti] / adj.口渴的I""m thirsty.(我渴了。)·tired[tad] / adj.疲倦的;疲劳的He is tired, he sleeps like a log.(他累了,睡觉很沉。)·house[has , haz] / n.房屋;房子The house and garden were perfection.(房屋和花园都非常漂亮。)·want[wnt] / v.要;想要I want to find a job from the newspaper.(我想从报纸上找到一份工作。)·milk[mlk] / n.牛奶Do you want milk?(你想喝牛奶吗?)·bread[bred] / n.面包I want some bread and milk.(我想要一些面包和牛奶。)·want to[wnt tu] / 想做(某事)I want to make you a proposition.(我想给你提一个建议。)·bed[bed] / n.床On the bed?(在床上?)·little[ltl] / adj.小的You""ve had chess on the brain since you were little.(你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。)《沪教牛津深圳版_二年级英语下册》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。

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