
送给自己的治愈文案 温柔深情 适合你的品味


The rain falls because the sky can no longer bear its weight The tears fall because the heart can no longer bear the pa

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The rain falls because the sky can no longer bear its weight. The tears fall because the heart can no longer bear the pain.

楚楚动人 貌赛西施 姿容绝代

Chuchu beautiful Sai Xi Shi is in great beauty


Although I haven"t seen or spoken to you for a long time, sometimes I think of you unconsciously when I look back on those days in school.


Good love makes a fool, bad love makes a madman, and the best love makes a child


It hurts to let go, but it hurts more to love the wrong person.


The worst thing about distance is that you don"t know whether that person is missing you or has forgotten you.


Thank you enlighten me in my helplessness, cry to comfort me, when sick, is even to despair, accompany me cry accompany me crazy, really thank you.


In fact, I did not have the courage to say the words: I love you.


Such as disappointed enough without you say, I go.


Happiness is like tears, flash across, but leave forever traces.


I do not want to let you a person, a person in the sea of ups and downs, I do not want to let you bear the wind and rain alone.


Every day when I wake up, you overtly occupy my mind, can not drive away, I think I should tell you, last night you secretly slipped into my dream!

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