
晚上看了会忍不住落泪的伤感文案 现实又无奈 满眼失望!


You are a little like the moon in the sky, also like the twinkling stars, but I am not a poet, otherwise, when writing ten thousand poems to describe your beauty 我上线,你隐身;我隐身,你上线

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You are a little like the moon in the sky, also like the twinkling stars, but I am not a poet, otherwise, when writing ten thousand poems to describe your beauty.


I am online, you are invisible;I"m invisible. You"re on line.Coincidence, or design?


Mood quotes worth savoring


Meeting you is unintentional, knowing you is providence, thinking of you is affection, if we have the intention to retreat, at least we still have memories.


Would you like to experience not being single with me?I"ve been proud of you for decades and I chickened out.


Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.


I may not be perfect, but at least I"m not fake.?


You feel out of balance because the world moves and you don"t.


You only remember my bitter tongue my savage my shrew, but I can not remember the original love you


Let us sit by the river of time, looking away and whispering, singing the song of life.


Sometimes you want to prove yourself to thousands of people, but in the end, you find that only one person who understands is enough.


I found that you have been living in a corner of my heart, with never expired vouchers, became a permanent resident.

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忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 分享快乐 充满现实的无奈

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 分享快乐 充满现实的无奈

因为有你 我才能笑着摇头拒绝所有诱惑和暧昧。Because of you, I can smile and shake my head to refuse all temptations and ambiguity.在你遇到最困难的时候,我一定会说:别怕,还有我呢!When you encounter the most difficult time, I will say: don"t be afraid, and ...

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