
今日精选语录 经典精致 句句入心


You come at the winter solstice, but Im a little late 2 脏话只是辅助我发泄情绪的助词,它和我的教养没有半点关系Swearing is just an

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You come at the winter solstice, but I"m a little late.


Swearing is just an auxiliary word to help me vent my emotions. It has nothing to do with my upbringing

3.“有朵盛开的云,慢慢划过山顶,随风飘向天边。我们慢慢明白,有些告别,就是最后一面” ——《云边有个小卖部》

"There is a blooming cloud, slowly across the top of the mountain, drifting to the sky with the wind. We gradually understand that some farewell is just the last side

4.我最喜欢的一句话,“我喜欢你,所以希望你被簇拥包围,所以你走过的路要繁花盛开,要人声鼎沸。” ——《某某》

My favorite sentence is, "I like you, so I hope you are surrounded, so the road you go through should be full of flowers and voices." ——"So and so"

5.我本是槐花院落闲散的人,满襟酒气。小池塘边跌坐看鱼,眉挑烟火过一生。 —–沈离淮

I used to be an idle person in Huaihua courtyard, full of wine. I sit down by the side of a small pond and watch the fish. I spend my life with fireworks. Shen Lihuai

6.春天已至 枝头满春 山河无恙 人间皆安。

Spring has arrived, the branches are full of spring, the mountains and rivers are safe, and the world is safe.



Cicadas in that summer were more noisy than in any other year. The branches outside the classroom grew wildly, but they could not stop the sun.

——Mu Suli"s so and so

8.悠长人生和白首深情,都是岁月的善举。 ——木苏里《黑天》

The long life and the deep love of Bai Shou are the good deeds of years. ——Black sky by musuli

9.飞扬的少年最动人心,奔跑的时候像是穿过了光阴。 ——木苏里《某某》

Flying youth is the most moving, running like through time. ——Mu Suli"s so and so

10.人间骄阳刚好,风过林梢,彼时他们正当年少。 ——木苏里《某某》

They were young when the sun was just shining and the wind was blowing through the forest. ——Mu Suli"s so and so

11.我贪恋人间烟火, 不偏不倚全是你。

I"m greedy for the fireworks in the world. It"s all you.

12.枯黄的梧桐落叶载着少年时代未落幕的心动 秋风阵阵吹过带着酸涩而短暂的暗恋。

Withered yellow Wutong leaves carry the unending autumn heartbeat of the young age, blowing with sour and short secret love.

13.至少我们在盛夏一起吹过晚风 我也并非错过了一切.

At least we had the evening breeze together in midsummer, and I didn"t miss everything


"Maybe you are not the most luminous one, but you also light up the place you should light up"


When I was young, I guarded my dream and rode against the current



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