
现实有哲理的情感短句 句句深刻睿智 值得收藏!



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一、 人生逆境时,切记忍耐。做人要就要学会有自信而不要自傲,果断而不武断,自尊而不自负,严谨而不拘谨,知足而不满足,平常而不平庸,随和而不随便,放松而不放纵,认真而不较真。Be patient in times of adversity. To be a man, we must learn to be confident and not arrogant, decisive and arbitrary, self-esteem but not conceited, rigorous and not restrained, contented but not satisfied, ordinary but not mediocre, easy-going and not casual, relaxed and not indulgent, serious and not serious.

二、人生没有重来,没有试镜,没有彩排,没有回放,永远都是直播,只有知道感恩,热爱生活,珍爱生命,珍惜所拥有的,才会活得快乐充实,美丽、幸福。life has not come back, no auditions, no rehearsals, no playback, always live. Only by knowing gratitude, loving life, cherishing life, cherishing what we have, can we live happily, fully, beautifully and happily.

三、走了,从此一辈子无缘,散了,从此一辈子不见,这个遥远,是自然,这个明天,是三生三世,多少懂,说不清楚,多少冷,看不透,你还是你,我已经失去天真。has gone, and since then it has no chance, scattered, never seen in the whole life, this remote, is natural, this tomorrow, is three generations, how many understand, not clear, how cold, can not see through, you are still you, I have lost naivety.

四、 记住,可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强。因为后面还有一群人在等着看你的笑话。爱闹情绪的人都渴望存在感 ,故意说反话就是想引起你的注意,你要知道,那些别扭又违心的嫌弃,都是我说不出口的喜欢。remember, can cry, can hate, but can not be not strong. Because there"s a bunch of people waiting to see your jokes. People who love to be emotional yearn for a sense of existence, intentionally speaking ironically is to attract your attention, you know, those uncomfortable and disgusting abandonment, I can not export like.

五、在人生漫长的岁月中,我们总会遇到各种各样的困难和挫折,这时我们首先要想到的就是寻找一份希望,或是得到一份有力的帮助,让自己有充足的精神,足够的理由和信心生活下去,从而克服困难,战胜挫折,赢得生活的美满幸福。又到草黄时节。遍野的绿色斑驳着消失,只有那干枯的浅黄渐次布满了人的视线,是生命终结时最柔韧的余唱。in the long years of life, we will encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks, at this time we first want to find a hope, or get a powerful help, so that they have enough spirit, enough reason and confidence to live, so as to overcome difficulties, overcome setbacks, win the happiness of life. It"s the time of straw yellow again.

The green mottles all over the country disappear, only the dry yellowish gradually filled with people"s vision, is the most flexible afterglow at the end of life.

六、人生不过四季:春、夏、秋、冬,四季虽能轮回,但生命不会重来,有了春种一粒粟的努力,才有秋收万颗子的喜悦。生命,经不起折腾;人生,经不起等待。别把时间浪费在等待所有难题的“完满结局”,珍惜眼前,把握当下,才是这一生最重要的事情!Life is but four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, although the four seasons can be reincarnated, but life will not come back. With the efforts of planting a grain of millet in spring, the joy of harvesting ten thousand seeds in autumn can be achieved.

Life can"t stand tossing; life can"t stand waiting. Don"t waste your time waiting for the "perfect ending" of all the difficult problems. Cherish the present and grasp the present is the most important thing in this life.

七、微笑并不一定表示你是快乐的,有时候,它只意味着你足够坚强去面对困难。以平常之心,接受已发生的事;以宽阔之心,包容对不起我们的人;以不变之心,坚持正确的理念。smile does not necessarily mean that you are happy, sometimes it just means that you are strong enough to face difficulties. Accept what has happened with an ordinary heart, forgive those who are sorry for us with a broad heart, and adhere to the correct idea with an unchangeable heart.

八、人山人海,别了当年的缘,散了读懂的情,后来的故事,总是这样失去,总是这样无知,读懂的伤害,后来的憔悴,只是唯一的思念,只是后来的故事伤感。people, farewell to the fate of that year, scattered the feelings of reading, later stories, always lost, always so ignorant, read the injury, later haggard, just the only missing, but later sad story.

九、爱上你是我今生最大的幸福,想你是我最甜蜜的痛苦,和你在一起是我的骄傲,没有你的我就像一只迷失了航线的船。记忆中那个熟悉的陌生人,偶尔想起,常常怀念。像是无比斑斓的记忆,瞬间失去光泽,灰白,失去生机勃勃。Falling in love with you is my greatest happiness in this life. It"s my sweetest pain to think of you. It"s my pride to be with you. Without you, I"m like a ship lost in the voyage. The familiar stranger in memory, occasionally remembered, often missed. It"s like an incomparably beautiful memory, instantly losing luster, gray and vitality.

十、 一个贪求厚利,永不知足的人,等于是在愚弄自己,贪婪是一切罪恶之源。贪婪能令人忘却一切,甚至自己的人格。因此,我们真正应当采取的态度是:远离贪婪,适可而止,知足者常乐。可以偶尔沉醉,但要记得让自己清醒:最勇敢的事情是认清了生活的真相之后依旧热爱生活。A person who is greedy and never satisfied is fooling himself. Greed is the source of all evil. Greed can make people forget everything, even their personality. Therefore, the attitude we should really adopt is to stay away from greed and stop at the right time.

Those who are satisfied are always happy. Sometimes you can get drunk, but remember to wake yourself up: the bravest thing is to love life after you know the truth of life.

十一、一段感情,如果看不到未来,也感受不到当下,那么不如一别两情,做回那个路人甲。并不是心血来潮,各种失望累积在一起,最终在沉默中爆发。没有声音,没有吵闹,就静悄悄的这么放弃了。relationship, if you can"t see the future and feel the present, then it"s better to be a passer-by. It"s not a whim. All kinds of disappointments accumulate and eventually erupt in silence. No voice, no noise, quietly give up. Although

十二、纵使人生是一幕荒诞的悲喜剧,我们没有主角光环,也不能重来,也应快乐地将它演完。畏惧艰苦,碌碌无为是罪过。不懈奋斗,才是生活给予我们的最高报酬。我们要从现在开始,好好努力学习,长大后为国家为人民服务,因为这是我们的义务。makes life an absurd tragedy and comedy, we have no aura of protagonist and can"t come back. We should also play it happily. Fear of hardship and inaction are sins. To strive unremittingly is the highest reward that life gives us. We should study hard from now on and serve our country and people when we grow up, because it is our duty.

十三、别老想着取悦别人,你越在乎别人,就越卑微。只有取悦自己,并让别人来取悦你,才会令你更有价值。一辈子不长,记住:对自己好点。don"t always want to please others, the more you care about others, the more humble. Only by pleasing yourself and others will you be more valuable. Life is not long, remember: Be good to yourself.

十四、一切都无需太过悲伤,经历都是收获,否则心就不会有感悟,多姿多彩才是人生,繁杂琐碎也是生活,百花齐放才有颜色。everything need not be too sad, experience is harvested, otherwise the heart will not have the feeling, colorful life, complex and trivial life, flowers blossom only color.

十五、可以相信世上真的有美好坚贞的爱情,不要憧憬那么浪漫的事会发生在你身上,它只属于牛郎织女、梁山伯祝英台、还有外国的罗密欧和朱丽叶。因为他们都没有活很久,而我们是要活很久的。can believe that there is really a good and faithful love in the world. Don"t expect such a romantic thing to happen to you. It belongs only to Cowherd and Weaver Girl, Liang Shanbo Zhu Yingtai, and foreign Romeo and Juliet. Because they haven"t lived long, and we"re going to live long.

十六、开始总是甜蜜的, 后来就有了厌倦、习惯、背弃、寂寞、绝望和冷笑。 曾经渴望与一个人长相厮守,后来,多么庆幸自己离开了。 曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里, 我们以为自己深深的爱着的一个人。 后来,我们才知道, 那不是爱,那只是对自己说谎。is always sweet at first, and then it becomes tired, habitual, abandoned, lonely, desperate and sneer. Once yearned to stay with a person for a long time, later, how glad he left. Once upon a time, in a short period of time, we thought we were deeply in love with someone. Later, we learned that it was not love, it was just lying to ourselves.

十七、我们辛辛苦苦来到这个世界上,可不是为了每天看到的那些不美好而伤心的,我们生下来的时候就已经哭够了,而且我们,谁也不能活着回去,所以,不要把时间都用来低落了,去相信,去孤单,去爱去恨去浪费,去闯去梦去后悔,你一定要相信,不会有到不了的明天。没有人可以回到过去,但谁都可以从现在开始。We came to this world hard and painstakingly, not for those beautiful and sad things we see every day, we cried enough when we were born, and none of us can live back,

so don"t spend all our time in depression, to believe, to be lonely, to love, to hate, to waste, to rush to dream and regret, you must believe that there will be no impossible. Tomorrow. No one can go back to the past, but anyone can start from now on.

十八、生活给你反击的时候,你要做的就是啃一个甜甜圈然后把坏情绪全吞下去,化食物为力量,而不是脂肪,哭有屁用,妆花了还得自己补。life gives you a fight back, all you have to do is gnaw a doughnut and swallow all the bad feelings, turn food into strength, not fat, cry and butter, make-up has to be repaired by yourself.

十九、接近什么样的人,就会走什么样的路。人最大的幸运,不是捡钱,不是中奖,而是有人可以鼓励你、指引你、帮助你。其实,限制人发展的,往往不是智商和学历,而是你所处的生活圈与工作圈,身边的人很重要,所谓的贵人,并不是直接给你带来利益的人,而是每天协助你完成目标、开拓你眼界、给你正能量的人!will go the same way as the people it approaches. The greatest fortune of a person is not to pick up money, not to win a prize, but to be encouraged, guided and helped. In fact, it is not IQ and education that restrict people"s development, but the circle of life and work in which you live. The people around you are very important.

The so-called noble people are not the ones who bring benefits directly to you, but the ones who help you accomplish your goals, broaden your horizons and give you positive energy every day.

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