
充满思念的情话文案 句句温暖 希望你喜欢


如果我偏要用爱的名义把你这缘分绑在你身上呢If I want to tie your fate to you in the name of love?我发现人在经历两件事前特别清醒一件

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If I want to tie your fate to you in the name of love?


I found that people are particularly sober before experiencing two things, one is the dead of night, and the other is facing life and death


What I bring is more open-minded than anyone is my forbearance. If my heart is still eager to be gentle by the world


So I hope that you can give me a little tenderness, although I know in my heart that this possibility is not great, and even give it to you


Maybe it will hurt my right again. Am I afraid? I am afraid, but what you don"t understand is that I still want your tenderness


Sometimes I think I don"t want to convince everyone that it will be fine. In fact, it won"t live at all. It"s a problem one after another


You and I are just ordinary people. How can I escape trouble?


But I want to tell you that behind these bad problems, I must be with you behind the days you think will not get better


Even when you feel worse, I love you, even if the relationship has disappeared


And I still want to be your demand, just like you and me in my heart. There"s nothing terrible if I don"t collapse there


your appearance has already surpassed everything in my heart

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