
很有故事性的情感文案 莫名心酸 让人感同身受!


He has always been a heavy smoker Later, he fell in love with a girl Once when he smoked, the girl coughed twice With

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He has always been a heavy smoker. Later, he fell in love with a girl. Once when he smoked, the girl coughed twice. Without saying a word, he choked the cigarette and never touched it again.


I hope to meet you later and have a result later. In this way, it will be you for the rest of your life, and there will be no resolution to say goodbye.


After breaking up, I didn"t dare to find him. I built a photo album in the space. Only he can see it. It"s full of photos when we were together.


Later, we finally stopped worrying about some things, such as whether the person loved us or not.


"I seem to have been giving up on you, but I seem to be waiting for you."


Later I learned that when you dream of someone you haven"t seen for a long time, it means that he is forgetting you.


Love is really useless, love is useless, love is useful.


In a world that is full of love, it"s a pity that there is little sincerity.


Like a person, so happy and so sad.


I said goodbye, but I know who wants to leave.


I said when I was angry, you just coax me, but you don"t want to talk to me at all.


It"s my own secret that I keep loving you from the people around me.


If you don"t like me, just tell me, don"t hang me, give me hope and let me despair.


Have you ever insisted on a love that you know has no result?



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