
20句用于表白喜欢的人 深情又可爱的文案 温柔小众!


There are not many beautiful things in the world, the wind blowing in the autumn evening and the 20yearold laughing and lo

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There are not many beautiful things in the world, the wind blowing in the autumn evening and the 20-year-old laughing and lovely you.


Because I like you, my single-mindedness, heartbeat and a small amount of enthusiasm have been given to you, but if I accidentally like you too much, I will become a childish and careful-hearted nuisance


I liked you very much yesterday, and I like you very much today, and I have a hunch that I will like you very much tomorrow.


There will always be a person, across thousands of mountains and rivers to come to you, let you believe in love again


I hope you know I am not free and easy, and then tell me that you miss me too

六,回首亘年漫月里的所有怦然心动 你仍拔得头筹

Looking back on all the excitement of the years, you"re still number one


I pass by a lot of scenery, but I just want to stay with you


Every time I think about you, a grain of sand falls from the sky, forming the Sahara desert


I dare not look into your eyes, for fear that every look in my eyes will confess


Will be jealous, will be inferior, will be sad, will miss you, this is probably like your taste

十一,我爱你 所以卑微到尘埃里 然后开出花来喝了你酿的酒 所以不愿醒希望在以后的道路我们一直在一起我可以把所有的爱都给你我希望你能给我个机会 然后一直变老爱是一种期盼 每天为你等待我是为你而来 不在乎绵绵山河我爱你 所以我的眼里只能看见你.

I love you so humble to the dust and then bloom flowers to drink your wine so do not want to wake up hope that in the future the road we have been together, I can give you all the love, I hope you can give me a chance and then always grow old love is a kind of look forward to waiting for you every day I.


Childhood is not you, the beginning of love is not you, only hope that the long stream of water is you, the rice and oil is you, the white head is also you


I miss you. It"s like sneezing


I hope we can go all the way to the end in the future


I"m here for you. I don"t care about crossing the mountains


The way to get along with everything in response is the most enjoyable

十七,爱是一种期盼 每分每秒为你等待.

Love is a kind of expectation waiting for you every minute.


The shoulders of Chinese teenagers are the Great Wall of your Highness.

十九,对你的喜欢覆水难收,十里清风十里路 步步清风在无你,一辈子和你在一起才叫将来 换了别人那叫将就,目光浅段一生只爱你一个人,我的眼里没有星辰 没有大海 只有你

It ’ s hard to accept your love, ten miles of breeze, ten miles of breeze, no breeze, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one, no one,


It"s hard to take back what you like

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