
写给男孩子的/文案/坚持努力的你 真的很帅


01:天下温柔有十分,八分在神爱世人,他呢?他是一面湖水,他是温柔本身The world is gentle and there are ten points, eight points in Go

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The world is gentle and there are ten points, eight points in God"s love for the world, how about him? He is a lake, he is gentle itself

02:我的男孩不是玩具 也不是长期饭票 他是我唯一的宝贝 在我这里 他永远有台阶下 我会给他所有的温柔

My boy is not a toy, nor is he a long-term meal ticket. He is my only baby. With me, he will always be under the steps. I will give him all the tenderness.

03:虽然事情总要先分先后 但是你先全世界后

Although things always have to be sorted first, but you have the whole world first

04:不管谁说什么都坚持努力的你 超帅气

No matter who says anything, you insist on working hard, so handsome


The world is not good to you, come here, come to me, I give you love, give you summer lemon-flavored soda, give you soft clouds like cotton candy, give you a cloud steaming the sky

06:我爱你 所以你不用做那个听话才能拿到小红花的小朋友 就算你耍赖闹小脾气 我也最偏心你

I love you so you do not have to do that in order to get a small red flower obedient children even if you lie, little trouble also temper my most eccentric you


How many stars are there in the sky, how many boys are there in the world, but there is only one moon in the sky, there is only one you in the world

08:我本想边走边爱 可你一个人就挡住了人山人海

I wanted to love while walking, but you alone blocked the crowds

09:那个男孩是我用所有温柔换的 所以他可以有小脾气

I traded all the gentleness for that boy, so he can have a small temper


A boy cannot be protected by a girl, but my boy can. If he is tired, I can hold him, touch his head, and accompany him through the hardest road.


You are the best, if someone is better than you, I will pretend not to see


Don’t let the flowers bloom if they don’t belong to you. Those who are unable to recover should stop her



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