
高质量的告白文案 个性又高级 让人流泪!


Maybe time is an antidote, and the poison Im taking now 我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸

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Maybe time is an antidote, and the poison I"m taking now.


I am waiting for life, not for the moment you ningmou.


When my heart is broken, I"m still trying to piece together the dream you gave me.


The dream is dead, the heart has been broken, leaving only to prepare for departure.


When we are young, we pursue passion, but when we are mature, we are infatuated with peace. After we seek, hurt and depart, we can still believe in love, which is a kind of courage.Everyone has their own forest, lost people lost, meet people will meet again.


Give everything to time, there will always be an answer.Insipid together, just the most precious;Simple to have, just the most at ease.


How many people lost to a "wait" word!Wait, wait, wait, wait!Wait for no choice!Do what you want to do, and don"t leave yourself too many regrets.Time waits for no one!


When the shoulder to rely on is not, when my tears dry, when I decided to let go, my heart has not.


Listening to the cheerful music, but the heart is still very painful, very painful.


Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be waiting for.


It"s hard when you know you need to let go but you can"t because you"re still waiting for the impossible to happen.


The cold intention that penetrates bone marrow, attack in the brain only remaining consciousness!Maybe I"m really tired.Tears flow out of the moment finally understand, pain is not only the eyes, but also the class has been riddled with holes in the heart!But, why are you still beautiful so.Originally, love is just a joke!


When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by.


Once and now, once and now, all our sorrow comes from such a contrast, the words are still in your ears, your heart has changed.

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