


20192020年度六年级下册英语测试题二时间40分钟,满分100分,闭卷一、 找出每组中不同类的单词 每小题1分,共10分 1 A bus

友情提示:本文共有 5278 个字,阅读大概需要 11 分钟。



一、 找出每组中不同类的单词 每小题1分,共10分

( ) 1. A.bus B.car C.space

( ) 2. A.bought B.took C.learn

( ) 3. A.him B.she C.them

( ) 4. A.be B.were C.was

( ) 5. A.dress B.cat C.jacket

( ) 6. A.duck B.where C.why

( ) 7. A.third B.first C.two

( ) 8. A.English B.US C.China

( ) 9. A.seed B.got C.flower

( ) 10.A.ask B.planned C.show


( )1.She gave me _______interesting book.

A. a B. an C. the

( )2.-- _______ you learn English last year? --No, I _______.

A. Did, didn’t B. Do, don’t C. Does, doesn’t

( )3.I_______ to Sanya with my parents yesterday.

A.go B. went C. going

( )4.________ are you laughing? –Because I’m so happy.

A. Why B. When C. Who

( )5.Lily is a good student. Her mother is proud of _________.

A. hers B. she C. her

( )6.Helen Keller was born _______the US_______1880.

A. at, in B. in, in C. in, on

( )7.Nacy asked the boy to______ some water for the party.

A. bring B. brought C. brings

( )8.It’s easy________ my homework.

A. does B. doing C. to do

( )9.She couldn’t ________ ,but she could sing well.

A. danced B. dancing C. dance

( )10. --What did Kate do? --She _______ a video for me.

A. made B. makes C. making

( )11.Simon_______interested in space travel.

A. was B. does C. did

( )12.--Why _______you_______ a raincoat? --Look, it’s raining now.

A. are, wear B. did wearing C. are, wearing

( )13.The earth goes around_______.

A. the moon B. the star C. the sun

( )14.--Are you_______? --Yes, I lost my money.

A. hungry B. sad C. happy

( )15.--_______you at school yesterday? --Yes, I_______.

A. Are, am B. Were, was C. Were, were


( )1.How was your holiday? A. It’s a spaceship.

( )2.When did he come back? B. It’s Mike’s.

( )3.What’s that? C. Two days ago.

( )4.Whose book is this? D. It’s in the bag.

( )5.Where is my present? E. It was wonderful!


A: Hello, ________

B: I went to Beijing on my holiday.

A: ________

B: I went there by plane.

A: ________

B: It was warm.

A: ________

B: I visited my grandma.

A: Did you go to the Summer Palace (颐和园)?

B: _________ It’s beautiful. I took many pictures.


1.My mother bought ___________a bike for my birthday.

2.I often make ___________with English words.

3.I have a book _______science, I like it very much.

4.She can’t hear, and she is ___________.

5.Yang Liwei ___________about twenty-one hours in space.

六、阅读短文,A 选择 B判断正确(T)错误(F)。每小题2分共20分)(A)

Forty years ago, Tom was a child. He lived in a small village with his parents. There were many flowers near his house. In his village, there was a big tree. They were very poor (贫穷)and he didn’t go to school. His aunt gave him some useful books. He read books under the tree day and night. He studied hard and wanted to change(改变) his life.

Now he is forty-eight years old. He is an engineer(工程师). He built(建设) four schools for his hometown(家乡). There are tall buildings everywhere. His hometown becomes more and more beautiful. He wants to say, “Don’t give up any time.”

( )1.Tom lived in_________.

A. a town B. a village C. a building

( )2.Tom’s family was very_________.

A. poor B. rich C. small

( )3.--Where did Tom read books? --_________.

A. In the school B. At home C. Under the tree

( )4. Tom was ________years old forty years ago.

A. eight B. eighteen C. ten

( )5. “Don’t give up any time.” means ________.

A. 知人善任 B. 永不放弃 C. 亡羊补牢


Children like swimming in summer because water makes them feel cool. But swimming may not be safe(安全).

These years, more than ten students died(死) when they were enjoying in the water. But many students are still not careful in swimming. They often think they swim very well, so nothing can happen to them in water.

Summer comes again. If(如果) you go swimming, don’t forget(忘记) that better swimmers have died in water. They died because they were not careful. So don’t get into water when you are alone(单独). If there is a “No Swimming”sign(标志), don’t get into water. If you remember all these, swimming will be safer.

( ) 1. Water makes the children feel cool, so they like swimming.

( ) 2. Swimming is very safe.

( ) 3. No one died from swimming.

( ) 4. Don’t get into water alone.

( ) 5. When you see “No Swimming”, please don’t swim here.

七、写作乐园。(10分)简单介绍一下你爸爸(或妈妈)的年龄、工作、爱好以及上周末做了什么事,不得少于五句话。文中不能出现真实姓名,提示词:born, worker, hobby, swam, read books, played football, flew kites…







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一年级下册语文:2019-2020学年度期末已考试卷 没有看图写话!


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...国广播公司(BBC)中文网报道,Vax(疫苗)一词被选为《牛津英语词典》(Oxford English Dictionary)2021年度热词。2021年和疫苗有关的多个词汇出现频率大增,包括:double-vaxxed(打过两剂疫苗的)、unvaxxed(没打过疫苗的)、anti-vaxxer(反对疫苗者)...

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