
适用于忧伤时发的小句 句句懂你 温暖的心


我不适合。我缺乏热情和懒惰。我看起来很孤僻,没有魅力让别人阻止我。Im not suitable I lack enthusiasm and laziness I look lonely and

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I"m not suitable. I lack enthusiasm and laziness. I look lonely and have no charm to let others stop me.


Why should we take dignity to retain a person who has changed his mind? Friendship or love.


My life is always lazy. Every day, I meet many strangers who are familiar with me, but there is no one I love.


You leave with all my love, just leave. I look at your back with tears in my eyes. I really want to hug you for the last time and say "I love you" to you once.


Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimate yourself.


I thought birds couldn"t fly over the sea because they didn"t have the courage to fly over the sea. After many years, I discovered that it was not birds that could not fly, but the other side of the sea, without waiting.


When you really do something, it is often the time when many things cannot be turned back.


Some losses are doomed, and some destinies will never be realized. If you love someone, you may not. If you have someone, you must love her well.


Tears, is to miss someone, try to miss someone, is to remind yourself that at least one person is worth your tears.


Today, I took a bus to learn from the hostess in Korean dramas, and leaned my head against the window, and I was shattered.

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