
英语常用句型:Do you have any good ways to……



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Do you have any good ways to... 你有没有…好的方法?

这个句型“Do you have any good ways to...”在没有特殊动词时,可用本句型构成疑问句,即在主语前加“do”,单数第三人称前加“does”,过去时用“did”,行为动词用动词原形,介词“to”后面接从句,大意可翻译为“你有没有好的方法……”。一般用于征询意见或者想法用的较多呢。下面来看几条例句更好的理解一下这个句型的意思吧:


◆Do you have any good ways to meet our clients" requirement?


◆Do you have any good ways to tease my wife laughing?


小提示:与本句型相似的有“do you have any ideas...?”意思是“你觉得……怎么样”表示一种询问。


Do you have any ideas for my graduation thesis?


Do you have any ideas for any openers?


So, do you have any bright ideas for dinner tonight?

好啦! 今天晚餐要吃什么,想到好主意了吗 ?


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