
朋友圈现实的人生说说 句句倾心 更好的认识自己!



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一、姑娘,你要努力,你想要的,只能你自己给。别人给的,你要问问自己,拿得起么。愿你经历再多,都不忘初心;愿你难过再多,都不忘微笑;愿你能披荆斩棘,做到自己想要做到的事情。Girl, you have to work hard, what you want can only be given by yourself. If someone gives you something, you should ask yourself if you can afford it. May you never forget your first heart, never forget your smile, never forget your sorrow, never forget your difficulties and do what you want to do.

二、过不去的坎别再放在心上,忘不掉的人也该告一段落,新的征途上,愿从今往后的你,别爱的太满,别睡得太晚。慢慢、慢慢我在深夜里走着。我希望能有一片繁星,把时光照亮。然后,她在蔷薇路边等,我把当年情添上新鲜。Don"t worry about the obstacles that can"t be passed. The people who can"t be forgotten should come to an end. On the new journey, I wish you from now on, don"t be too full of love, don"t sleep too late. Slowly, slowly, I walk in the middle of the night. I hope there will be a lot of stars to illuminate the time. Then, she waited by the Rose Road, and I added something new to the situation.

三、这就需要思维上来一个颠倒,真实的不真实,虚幻的不虚幻。 凡人能感受到的,都是真实的。我不能等你一年零一个月了,我不能等你到25岁了,但我却能等你一辈子。

This requires an inversion of thinking, a real unreal, illusory non-illusory. & amp; nbsp; what everybody can feel is true. I can"t wait for you for a year and a month. I can"t wait for you to be 25, but I can wait for you all my life.


It"s okay to be sad, to cry, to be alone. Give time and everything will pass. Crazy thinking, desperate forgetting, my efforts seem so insignificant. When you need it, say all the good things; when you don"t use it anymore, turn around immediately. When you like you, you are the brightest star; when you hate you, you are the worst.

五、他也许不会带我去做游艇,吃法餐。但是他可以每天早晨都为我跑几条街,去买我最爱吃的豆浆油条。他是世界上最好的男人,为了一个你爱的人生一个孩子,是女人这辈子最幸福的事情。He may not take me to make yachts and eat French food. But he can run several streets for me every morning to buy my favorite soybean milk and fried sticks. He is the best man in the world. To have a child for a life you love is the happiest thing in a woman"s life.

六、成功的人不一定是那些条件最好、能力最强的,却一定是那些意志最坚定、战斗力最顽强的。只要不抛弃梦想,不放弃努力,你也可以见证奇迹!Successful people are not necessarily those with the best conditions and the strongest abilities, but those with the strongest will and the strongest fighting capacity. As long as you don"t give up your dreams and efforts, you can also witness miracles!

七、读书是一本人生的最难得的存折,一点一滴地积累,你会发现自己是世界上最富有的人。世间最好的报复,就是运用那股不平之气,使自己迈向成功。Reading is the most rare passbook in one"s life. By accumulating it bit by bit, you will find yourself the richest person in the world. The best revenge in the world is to use that unfair spirit to make oneself succeed.

八、在遇到梦好的爱情是你透过一个男人看到世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。每个人都会有累的时候,会疲倦会难过会有天塌下来的感觉。可是对我来说,只要你回来,这一切都会好。When you meet the dream of good love, you see the world through a man, while bad love is when you abandon the whole world for one person. Everyone will be tired, tired, sad and feel like the sky is falling down. But for me, as long as you come back, it will be all right.

九、其实,真正能击垮你的,往往不是那些突如其来的灭顶之灾,而是压在你心底,那些看似不值一提,日积月累的心事。人活一世,聚散离合,岂能事事如人意,在一起的时候就要学会珍惜,分开了就要学会放下,接受现实。In fact, what can really crush you is not the sudden disaster, but the pressure in your heart, which seems to be worthless, accumulated over time. People live a lifetime, gather and scatter, how can everything be satisfactory, together, we must learn to cherish, separated, we must learn to put down, accept the reality.

十、据说人每隔七年就会变成一个全新的自己,成长的路上我们要抛弃多少个从前的自己,才可以获得此时全新的自我。好的感情,不是一下子把你感动晕,而是细水长流的把你宠坏。It is said that every seven years a person will become a brand new self. How many old selves should we abandon on the way to grow up before we can acquire a brand new self at this time. Good feelings do not move you at once, but spoil you in a long stream.

十一、嫁的人是谁.很重要.因为他决定着你一辈子的生活状态 .娶的人是谁.更重要.她很有可能决定着你一生的层次和高度. 不要将就的嫁.也别违心的娶!有一个违心的.那都不会幸福!Who you marry is very important. Because he decides the state of your life. Who you marry is more important. She is likely to determine the level and height of your life. Don"t get married. Don"t marry against your will! There"s a disobedient one. That"s not going to be happy!

十二、无论你我是陌路相逢,还是前缘已定,总之,能够守候的就只是今生。想要活得开心,就不要与傻瓜论长短,不跟傻逼讲道理,不和三观不同的人争论是非。Whether you meet me on the street or the front has been decided, in short, the only thing I can wait for is this life. If you want to live happily, you should not argue with fools about their merits, rationalize with fools, or argue with people who have different views.

十三、你要是再丑点,我或许可以跟你逛逛街,看场电影,吃个西餐散散步,对着星星谈谈人生和理想,可是你那么好看,我只想和你睡觉。一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌。最后你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。If you"re ugly, I might be able to go shopping with you, watch a movie, have a western meal for a walk, talk about life and ideals to the stars, but you"re so beautiful, I just want to sleep with you. One must always take a strange road, watch strange scenery and listen to strange songs. In the end, you will find that the things you tried so hard to forget are really forgotten.

十四、人生的精彩,在于你淡忘多少,唯有边走边弃,那样才能走得更远些。没有什么是永久,也没有什么会很久。寻个借口,谁都可以先走。你不会了解那种孤独到嗓子眼,想哭又怕没人安慰,咽下眼泪继续微笑的感觉。The wonder of life lies in how much you forget. Only when you walk and abandon, can you go farther. Nothing lasts forever, and nothing lasts long. Make an excuse, anyone can go first. You don"t know the feeling of loneliness to your voice, wanting to cry and fearing no one to comfort you, swallowing your tears and continuing to smile.

十五、人生的道路上,有些事只能自己面对,我很想依赖,但必须坚强。我好担心给不了你未来,却又害了你现在。On the road of life, some things can only be faced by themselves, I want to rely on, but must be strong. I"m afraid I can"t give you the future, but I hurt you now.

十六、一个人身边的位置只有那么多,你能给的也只有那么多,在这个狭小的圈子里,有些人要进来,就有一些人不得不离开。如果悲伤可以像果盘里的水果一样吞下去,该有多好。There are only so many places around a person and so many things you can give. In this narrow circle, some people have to leave if they want to enter. If sorrow could be swallowed like fruit in a bowl, how good would it be?

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