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Discover the Allure of Perfume: A Compilation of English Short Phrases

Discover the Allure of Perfume: A Compilation of English Short Phrases



黄文琪雅思口语|Part1难题:Perfume 香水

黄文琪雅思口语|Part1难题:Perfume 香水

1 wear way too much perfume 擦太多香水了She wears way too much perfume. 她擦太多香水了。2 reek of 有……的臭气,带有明显……气味It"s not even good perfume. She reeks of lavender. It"s like I"m being suffocated by my Nan. 她涂的不是什么好香水。散发出薰衣...




...间的味道,飘过的香水味道或者花香He caught a whiff of her perfume.他闻到一股她的香水味。a whiff of apple blossom苹果花的香味scent 花香或者动物留下的气味The rose had abeautiful scent.玫瑰有很迷人的香味。Cats use their scent to mark their territory...


成熟又魅力的人生感悟 句句随性 拨动你心

成熟又魅力的人生感悟 句句随性 拨动你心

...ood mood.我的香水用完了,送我香水的那个人也不再了。My perfume is running out, and the person who sent me perfume is no longer there.我们还会再见的,对吧。We"ll see you again, right.


最新网络游戏情侣名 昵称情侣简短好听 英文情侣网名好听一对

最新网络游戏情侣名 昵称情侣简短好听 英文情侣网名好听一对

...岸花3、温柔cc - yok1 | 柔情cc - yok14、Willian、 ||Tracy、5、|Perfume染烟||Perfume引味6、寒冬 Gentle ⊿ | 暖春 Gentle ⊿7、余存°d3sTiny-|温存°d3sTiny-8、恋旧°Old||贪欢°New9、Sunny°刺眼|Rainy°伤情10、谨守°Version- ||谨护°Version-11、-...




...缀,表示彻底的、贯穿的,更多例子还有:perform, perfect, perfume, etc. sist,表示站、站直的意思,更多例子还有:resist, insist, consist, assist, etc. persist,一直站着,动词,意思是持续、存留、坚持不懈、执意(这里的执意通常是以一...


“种草 拔草 长草”都是什么意思?用英语怎么说?

“种草 拔草 长草”都是什么意思?用英语怎么说?

...挂念某物或者从购物车里移除某件东西例句:I removed that perfume from my shopping cart.我拔草了那款香水。▌长草the growing desire to buy a particular product or experience something想要购买某件商品或体验某件事的欲望逐渐膨胀例句:I"ve been longing...


晚上睡不着发朋友圈的句子 干净有趣味 越看越爱!

晚上睡不着发朋友圈的句子 干净有趣味 越看越爱!

...xed in, but I"m mixed in dark circles.我的香水不会做花露水。our perfume will not make toilet water.我不能客观评价他,因为我主观上喜欢他。Less clothes, less men. Suffering and sleeping with your sweetheart.如果你成功了,为什么要原谅别人?If you succeed, w...


怼人不带脏字的句子 字字犀利 句句独特!

怼人不带脏字的句子 字字犀利 句句独特!

...但还是能隐约闻到一股绿茶味。Although some people are wearing perfume, they can still faintly smell green tea.4、不好意思,瞧我这记性,不小心又把你当人了。I"m sorry, look at my memory. I accidentally treat you like a human being again.5、我可没说你不要脸...


端午节马上就到了 这些英语表达相关考点你知道吗?

端午节马上就到了 这些英语表达相关考点你知道吗?

...佩戴香包,小孩佩戴香包,传说有避邪驱瘟之意。香包:Perfume Satchel/pouch端午挂什么?有的地方会在门上挂艾叶菖蒲,目的也都是为了驱疾避凶,讨个吉利。艾叶菖蒲:moxa leaf and calamu考四六级的时候也经常用到哦,多学点没有...




...机对话3.Wrap Me IN Plastic - CHROMANCE(1)Do my make up Bathe in myperfume. 我要换装并喷上香水。perfume n. 香水;香味 vt. 洒香水于…;使…带香味 vi. 散发香气(2)I can call you master. You can call me mine. 我可以叫你主人,你可以拥有...


霸气十足的个性句子 句句有趣 朗朗上口!

霸气十足的个性句子 句句有趣 朗朗上口!

...嘴,我们香水不犯花露水。Keep your mouth shut, we don"t smell perfume.3.我们之所以迷茫是因为,明知是脑子饿极了,却只会拼命喂肚子。We are confused because, knowing that the brain is very hungry, but will only desperately feed the stomach.4.热情这个东西很...


非常高智商的怼人句子 字字诛心 让人哑口无言

非常高智商的怼人句子 字字诛心 让人哑口无言

...了香水,我还是能闻到人渣的味道。Even though you"re wearing perfume, I still smell scum.你盯着我看的样子就像我的狗向我要食物一样。The way you stare at me is very similar to the way my dog asks for food.生命那么短暂,何必让不重要的人影响自己重...


一些高级又沙雕的话 皮到爆炸的句子 为你制造开心

一些高级又沙雕的话 皮到爆炸的句子 为你制造开心

...、你身上有她的香水味,可惜没我用的贵。You smell of her perfume, but it"s not as expensive as mine.十二、假如我年少有为不自卑,老公肯定一大堆。If I am young and do not feel inferior, my husband will definitely be a lot.关注 悦然心上的文字,更多精...




...才实学的。有德自然香。People who do not take a bath, hard wipe perfume is not fragrant.Fame and dignity come from true talent.Have moral natural fragrance.谁为谁付出多少,谁伤了谁多深,只有自己心里最清楚。Who pays how much for who, who hurt who how deep, only thei...


超级温柔的神仙句子 唯美治愈 干净走心

超级温柔的神仙句子 唯美治愈 干净走心

...们的香水不会令你失望。Your club, your rich, my expensive, our perfume will not be disappointing.拜托五官端正,男朋友Please be my boyfriend.如果有人想要但又不想要别人,When one desires but refuses to others,夜幕下你的出现犹如点点荧光You appear in the dark l...


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适合怼人的情绪文案 宣泄内心不满 安抚不安的情绪

...水,但是依旧掩盖不住你浑身的汗臭味儿。Although you wear perfume, you still can"t hide your sweaty smell.你一定是属狗的吧?要不然怎么能这么凶。You must be a dog, right? Otherwise, how could it be so fierce.你那添油加醋的本事,不用在做饭上,真的...


柔情似水的忧伤的句子 现实又美好 知你冷暖!

柔情似水的忧伤的句子 现实又美好 知你冷暖!

...德自然香。A man who does not bathe will not smell good if he puts on perfume.Fame and honor are derived from genuine learning.Virtue is the fragrance of nature.真像一场独角戏,而我就是那个孤独的小丑,表演这没人观看的哑剧,独自悲戚。It"s like a one-man show, a...


晚上看了会不忍落泪的伤感文案 感情真挚 现实又无奈

晚上看了会不忍落泪的伤感文案 感情真挚 现实又无奈

...德自然香。A man who does not bathe will not smell good if he puts on perfume.Fame and honor are derived from genuine learning.Virtue is the fragrance of nature.绿水无忧,因风皱面。Green water without worry, wrinkled face because of the wind.我喜欢你,但是与你无关,暗恋...


忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 简短温柔 句句扎心!

忍不住掉眼泪的伤感文案 简短温柔 句句扎心!

...德自然香。A man who does not bathe will not smell good if he puts on perfume.Fame and honor are derived from genuine learning.Virtue is the fragrance of nature.愿我们的爱情永远像幽淡的清茶,香浓的咖啡浪漫的红酒,热烈的伏特加那样多姿多彩,让人回味……...
