第一句子大全 > 标签 > gases
看电影聊地道英语:greenhouse gases温室效应 电影A.I(3)

看电影聊地道英语:greenhouse gases温室效应 电影A.I(3)

...ose were the years after the ice caps had melted because of the greenhouse gases, and the oceans had risen to drown so many cities along all the shorelines of the world.多年以来,温室效应日趋严重,南北极冰川逐渐融化,海洋淹没了许多大城市,顺着世界所有的沿...

2023-07-05 #经典句子



...d motor vehicles began releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases in significant quantities into the air. However, evidence suggests that human agricultural activities may have had such an effect much earlier: concentrations of CO2 started rising about 8000 years ago, even though natu...

2023-12-22 #经典句子

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-11-3)

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2021-11-3)

...出现倒退和反复。Wang Wenbin: As the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in cumulative terms, the US should face up to its historical responsibilities, maintain policy consistency, show greater ambition and actions, take the lead in fulfilling obligations of substantial emissions reduction, a...

2013-02-26 #经典句子

知识点第3期:那些年我们一起记过的give短语 沉甸甸的送给你~

知识点第3期:那些年我们一起记过的give短语 沉甸甸的送给你~

...出闪光。【放出】he factory does not give off any poisonous exhaust gases. 这家工厂并不放出任何有毒的废气。【散发出】Many flowers give off a nice smell. 许多花朵都会散发出香味。【5】 give out【发出】He gave out a scream of pain.他疼得大叫了一声...

2018-09-21 #经典句子



...ld not see his eyes条件:If plastics are burned,they give off poisonous gases.结果:I didn"t sleep well last night,so I feel sleepy this morning比较: You look younger than you are.此处 you are 不是完整句子,实际上是you are young,英语中同一个单词出现两遍往往会被...

2022-11-15 #经典句子

英语学习资源|大自然在说话 Nature Is Speaking系列:天空

英语学习资源|大自然在说话 Nature Is Speaking系列:天空

...脆弱It took millions of years to get it just right – my perfect mix of gases, temperature and weather that you enjoy.经历了数百万年,才完美调整好适应你用的空气、温度和气候But now your cars, your factories and dust,they have pushed me past thelimit.现在,你用汽车...

2023-09-11 #经典句子



...creasing danger to the health of the planet. Each day thousands of tons of gases come out of the exhausts of motor vehicles. Smoke from factories pollutes the air of industrialized areas and the surrounding areas of the countryside. The pollution of water is equally harmful. The whole ecological bal...

2024-01-25 #大杂绘



...strous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.3. Less well-known, but no less persuasive is the example of John Nash, an American mathematician who, in 1994, won the Nob...

2023-05-30 #经典句子



...igh-level promotion.Environmental issues such as the release of greenhouse gases have become the focus of public attention, so some rules should be implemented to deal with them.Parents and teachers should try to reduce their children"s time watching TV, which will protect their eyesight and encoura...

2022-12-16 #经典句子



...反三。比如很多人应该遇到过类似的句子:The behavior of gases is explained by what scientists callthe kinetic theory.这句话中what scientists call这部分从语法上不太好理解,但很多语法书对这一现象没有涉及。作者解释说what scientists call可以当成...

2023-09-02 #经典句子

雅思考试想从小作文上拿高分 那么你需要了解这一点

雅思考试想从小作文上拿高分 那么你需要了解这一点

...”,或者“while/ whereas” 连接两个句子表对比e.g. Acid rain gases from the domestic sector and other industries fell gradually. In contrast, the transport sector saw a small increase in emissions.The cost of an average home in Madrid rose by a further 2%, while prices in Frankfurt rem...

2023-10-17 #经典句子

神舟十二号发射成功 宇航员的英语竟然是 Taikonaut?

神舟十二号发射成功 宇航员的英语竟然是 Taikonaut?

...)发射,散发。heat emission 放热。Emission of these "greenhouse" gases contributes to global warming. 这些“温室”气体的排放会导致全球变暖。神舟十二号为什么是 Shenzhou XII?Shenzhou XII 神州十二号神舟十二号的英语是 Shenzhou XII ,采用的是罗...

2023-09-21 #经典句子

雅思Task 2写作结构布局方法及范文分享

雅思Task 2写作结构布局方法及范文分享

...ontributors to climate change will not support the reduction of greenhouse gases, there is little hope for the future. (example)Naturalists have also begun to expose the serious problems arising from discarded plastic waste. (topic sentence) Birds and animals can die gruesome deaths through being tr...

2009-06-09 #经典句子



...翻了一番多。And“以及”,“而且”,表示并列关系The gases trapped inside the boiling rock expand suddenly, the lava glows with heat ,it begins to froth ,andit explodes with tremendous force。困在炙热岩石之中的气体突然膨胀,熔岩热得发光,开始起泡沫,...

2023-10-20 #经典句子



...ng soil aggregate fractions.Abstract The impacts of land use on greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions have been extensively studied. However, the underlying mechanisms on how soil aggregate structure, soil organic carbon (SOC) and total N (TN) distributions in different soil aggregate sizes influencing ...

2012-11-24 #经典句子



...以忍受。2.The air seemed thin,________________ its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中几乎没有氧气剩下。3.________________________________,my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。4.________________...

2023-09-30 #经典句子



...______________________________________ carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在(未来)几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。3.As I"m not ...

2023-12-05 #经典句子

保护环境从我做起 开言英语10岁学员垃圾分类演讲引发众人思考

保护环境从我做起 开言英语10岁学员垃圾分类演讲引发众人思考

..., human beings are destroying the environment, releasing a lot of harmful gases, causing global warming, melting many glaciers, making animals living in cold places unable to survive. It is likely to cause the water level to rise and submerge the city.近年来,人类正在破坏环境,释放...

2023-12-01 #经典句子



...helter biodiversity ,provide food and natural resources ,absorb greenhouse gases and regulate the climate.我说森林是个丰富的资源。The world"s forests are a source of abundance.we must save /conserve trees and forests.天气很热,我提醒孩子们要多喝水。Sometimes Xiamen is hot...

2023-05-19 #经典句子

张鑫友:英语语法之定语从句 七

张鑫友:英语语法之定语从句 七

...本书,其中有三本是英文小说。The sun is a mass of condensed gases or liquids the temperature of which is about 10,000 °C on the surface.太阳是由气体或液体凝聚而成的块团,其表面温度约为摄氏一万度。E当先行词是不定代词all,everything,little,anything,not...

2024-01-11 #经典句子