第一句子大全 > 标签 > Loss


... worldwide—or 1 in 4 people—will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization"s (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released on March 2nd. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation service...

2023-08-30 #经典句子

当莎士比亚遇见Google Flax:教你用字符级语言模型和归递神经网络写“莎士比亚”式句子

当莎士比亚遇见Google Flax:教你用字符级语言模型和归递神经网络写“莎士比亚”式句子

...的RNN。@jax.jitdef train_step(optimizer, batch):"""Train one step."""def loss_fn(model):"""Compute cross-entropy loss and predict logits of the current batch"""logits = model(batch[0])loss = jnp.mean(cross_entropy_loss(logits, batch[1])) / params["batch_size"]return loss, logitsdef exponential_dec...

2022-11-14 #经典句子

三观超正的温柔干净句子|不断进步 能治愈一切失意和自卑

三观超正的温柔干净句子|不断进步 能治愈一切失意和自卑

...幸福,才不会被一切事物打倒。Continuous progress can cure all loss and inferiority. You have to constantly progress, become the most powerful self, you will meet their own happiness, will not be beaten by everything.后来你会发现在你不断进步的过程中,曾经的失意和...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

励志系句子‖黄昏之所以壮丽 在于它收集了一天的阳光

励志系句子‖黄昏之所以壮丽 在于它收集了一天的阳光

...都可以解决问题。Life is not necessarily a gain, it can also be a loss of romance. Loss of anxiety, loss of pain, loss of dislike. It is not invincible. Sometimes it can solve the problem by further or backward steps.人如果一直敷衍地生活,很容易觉得时间飞逝而自己一事...

2022-12-07 #经典句子

忍不住感动的温情短句 温柔而高级 充满爱意

忍不住感动的温情短句 温柔而高级 充满爱意

...安慰。A little lonely, a little pain, a little publicity, a little at a loss, a little need to comfort.那轮傍晚的落日,哀怨地为隔世的爱情画上一个句号。That round of sunset in the evening, sadly for the love of the past to draw an end.我总是涩涩的埋怨这个世界的...

2023-05-09 #经典句子

雅思Task 2写作结构布局方法及范文分享

雅思Task 2写作结构布局方法及范文分享

...:Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.Introduction: 开头段Some people consider that the loss of...

2009-06-09 #经典句子

和青春期的孩子谈死亡的话题|Grief and Loss系列文章②

和青春期的孩子谈死亡的话题|Grief and Loss系列文章②

... Children About Death. Retrieved April 13, 2020, from https://www.centerforloss.com/2016/12/helping-teenagers-cope-grief/(翻译:曾丹)

2020-07-21 #经典句子

关于减肥时的搞笑句子 幽默逗趣 让人哭笑不得

关于减肥时的搞笑句子 幽默逗趣 让人哭笑不得

...不是最重要的事,最重要的是吃好、喝好、睡好。Weight loss is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to eat, drink and sleep well.9、对于减肥这种长期的事情来说,我们先吃饱在好好研究。For the long-term issue of losing weight, we should s...

2022-12-04 #经典句子

想要被别人放在心上的句子 句句走心 适合发朋友圈!

想要被别人放在心上的句子 句句走心 适合发朋友圈!

... overestimate my place in your heart. Just as you are my dream of gain and loss, and I am your dispensable person.6、我真的不知道,没把我放心上的人我该怎么去挽留?I really don"t know how to retain people who don"t take me to heart.7、明明喜欢的是你,却要装作无...

2023-10-11 #经典句子



...地提高指标,机器翻译中有一个技巧便是结合语言模型 Loss 来重排序生成的候选结果。第二,用于文本生成。首先其训练方式是根据前面词,生成之后词。于是只要不断重复此过程(自回归)就能生成长文本了。比较有名的例子...

2023-01-26 #经典句子

满是难过的情感文案 温柔治愈 抚慰受伤的心

满是难过的情感文案 温柔治愈 抚慰受伤的心

...却抓不到任何东西。Most of the time, the past is missing.Like the loss of yellowed photographs, the loss of things that had been preserved for a long time, the loss of withered memories.I reach out, but I can"t catch anything.当一个人熬过了最艰难的时候,就不再想去寻找依...

2024-01-13 #经典句子

爆笑可爱的小句子 调皮幽默 让你瞬间好心情!

爆笑可爱的小句子 调皮幽默 让你瞬间好心情!

...miss you.9、及时止损,你止啥损啊,你有啥可损的啊。Stop loss in time. What loss do you stop? What loss do you have.10、我想你了,所以我放了个屁,希望风能把它吹进你嘴里。I miss you, so I farted, hoping the wind would blow it into your mouth.11、赞我有...

2023-01-10 #经典句子



...xam.)3. I’m writing to tell you how sorry I am to hear about sth. (your loss …)4. Knowing your situation, I feel terribly sorry about sth.…2中间段句型1. I quiet understand how you feel now,but ...我特别能理解你现在的感觉,但...2. You have devoted yourself to ...你在......

2023-10-16 #经典句子



...做不到及时止损,那就心甘自负盈亏。If you can"t stop the loss in time, then be willing to take responsibility for your own profit and loss.5.因为是心甘情愿地沉溺,即使死亡也无需被拯救。Because it is willing to indulge, even if you die, you don"t need to be saved...

2023-06-08 #经典句子

说到你心坎里的伤感语句 句句戳心 无奈感伤

说到你心坎里的伤感语句 句句戳心 无奈感伤

...,或者动画片也成了泡泡戏。People really grow up in constant loss. People really grow up in the constant loss, when the test paper in hand can no longer become children"s paper airplane, or animated cartoon has become a bubble drama.

2022-11-16 #经典句子

喜欢与爱的句子说说 有些现实 有些扎心

喜欢与爱的句子说说 有些现实 有些扎心

...ice. Like also care about winning or losing, love is regardless of gain or loss.4.喜欢一往无前,爱却瞻前顾后。喜欢尚有回路,爱是走上穷途。Like to go forward, but love is forward looking. There is a way to like, love is to go to the end.5.喜欢是从容淡定,偶尔患...

2023-01-14 #经典句子

适合置顶的高质量文案 满是情怀 充满正能量

适合置顶的高质量文案 满是情怀 充满正能量

...itutions should be trusted and supported by the people. In this sense, the loss of credibility means the loss of judicial power.人一定要有正确的方向。无论你多么意气风发,无论你多么足智多谋,无论你多么努力,如果你没有一个明确的方向,你会不知所...

2015-12-01 #经典句子

充满深情的现实文案 终其一生 只为理想和爱人

充满深情的现实文案 终其一生 只为理想和爱人

...患失,心之所向,忙而不茫。Stop and go, worry about gain and loss, the heart, busy but not confused.一开始的怦然心动,到最后却变成了怅然若失。At the beginning of the heart, to the end has become a sense of loss.有些事讲出来很简单,但过程却很煎熬。So...

2019-10-02 #经典句子

富有个性的伤感短句 温柔深情 温柔又治愈

富有个性的伤感短句 温柔深情 温柔又治愈

...感情,而是失去一种习惯。Friends say that lovelorn is not the loss of a relationship, but the loss of a habit.我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海。I will always be, even lonely open into the sea.当你越想挽留些什么的时候,就越容易失去些什么The more you try to kee...

2024-01-20 #经典句子

可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 适合发圈

可以治愈心灵的文字 句句真话 适合发圈

...悔。Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself, so never regret.像孩子一样,真诚。像夕阳一样,温暖。Be like a child and be sincere.Like the setting sun, warm.我们的故事,一点也...

2023-06-27 #经典句子