
现实有感而发的伤感句子 句句心酸


Im used to thinking about you every day, but I dont feel the same when I think about you Sometimes I think about you c

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I"m used to thinking about you every day, but I don"t feel the same when I think about you. Sometimes I think about you calmly, just like passing clouds; Sometimes light miss, with a trace of sadness, but very enjoy; Sometimes I miss you very much. I feel like I can"t tell.


I don"t want to buy a bigger umbrella with anyone, but I don"t want to get wet, not a drop


There"s nothing wrong with eating alone, but it"s a free seat, inviting loneliness.


Sudden encounter, unexpected joy, unexpected goodbye, merciless ending, I know everything, but I just can"t get out


Don"t cling to the things that cause you pain, and don"t think about the past that you can"t go back. Some things, the sooner you give up, the better the future will be.


The tragedy of growing up may be that people no longer need the opportunity to show their innocence and childishness.


Love, is the most sad feeling in the world, clearly love to the depth, but can only wait and see, do not disturb, do not entangle.

爱一个人到底什么感觉? 好像突然有了软肋,也突然有了铠甲。

What does it feel like to love someone? It seems that suddenly there is a soft rib, but also a sudden armor.


Don"t be disappointed, sad things will always pass, you just love the wrong person, no one is wrong.


Affection has long been a disgrace. We all laugh, are slippery, do not want to be laughed at. First self destruction, then invulnerability, and then a hundred years of loneliness.


How lonely a person can be: a person with headphones can walk on any road for a day, a person in the sun can read a book anywhere for a day, a person with no expression to go shopping, a pile of things can not be sent out piled up at home, a person despite the heavy rain is still stubborn to listen to music for a walk, a person lying in bed watching the stars and the moon until dawn.


I think, my love for you is too deep, even for your betrayal can be accepted. If I am not brave, who is strong for me? If I am not happy, who is sad for me. Time is really good, so that the pain is no longer painful, so that can not put down.


Give up, not because I lost, but because I understand.

什么是孤独 大概就是 所有人都觉得你不缺朋友 可只有自己知道 真的难过时连个愿意倾听的人都没有 表面朋友嘛大家都会

What is loneliness? Maybe everyone thinks that you don"t lack friends, but only you know that when you are really sad, even someone who is willing to listen doesn"t have superficial friends. Everyone will do it



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