

时间:2024-04-02 16:33:44



1. Tomorrow, I will start my journey to a new city.

2. She will graduate from college next year.

3. They will visit their grandparents next weekend.

4. I will learn how to cook traditional dishes from different countries.

5. We will have a family reunion in the summer.

6. He will buy a new car in a few months.

7. They will move to a new apartment next year.

8. I will start my own business after I graduate.

9. She will travel around the world after she retires.

10. They will adopt a puppy from the shelter.

11. We will celebrate our anniversary at a fancy restaurant next month.

12. He will finish writing his novel by the end of the year.

13. I will learn how to play the guitar in the future.

14. They will volunteer at a local charity on weekends.

15. She will start taking French lessons next semester.

16. We will go on a road trip across the country next summer.

17. He will propose to his girlfriend on their anniversary.

18. They will host a barbecue party in their backyard.

19. I will study abroad in Europe in a few years.

20. She will become a doctor in the future.

  1. 錯メ過2024-04-07 04:20錯メ過[台湾省网友]
心情低落想哭的句子 心里憋屈的句子 适合心情不好时发的句子!

心情低落想哭的句子 心里憋屈的句子 适合心情不好时发的句子!



告诉自己坚强的句子 坚强而又心酸的句子 正能量的句子!

告诉自己坚强的句子 坚强而又心酸的句子 正能量的句子!

You should make your ability worthy of your vanity, your excellence worthy of your selfesteem, and your vision worthy of your pride 2、所谓的添天赋,不过是义无反顾


天冷时发朋友圈的句子 降温时发的句子 适合天冷时发的句子!

天冷时发朋友圈的句子 降温时发的句子 适合天冷时发的句子!

When I wake up every morning, its like the territory invaded by Siberian cold current outside my bed Even Liang Jingru ca


适合发朋友圈的句子 朋友圈精美句子 深入人心的简短句子!

适合发朋友圈的句子 朋友圈精美句子 深入人心的简短句子!

Some people, you fight to retain, in exchange for a body of fatigue 2、只要你不嫌我烦,我可以陪你走很远


告诉自己坚强的句子 坚强的正能量句子 坚强到令人心疼的句子!

告诉自己坚强的句子 坚强的正能量句子 坚强到令人心疼的句子!

You have to be quiet and excellent, quiet and strong 2、这一路走来,只是让我们在跌跌撞撞中学会了坚强
