

时间:2024-04-02 12:13:38



1. Let"s meet again in two days, same time, same place.

2. I"ll see you in 48 hours for our appointment.

3. Two days from now, let"s get together.

4. Our meeting is set for two days from now.

5. In two days" time, we will reconvene.

6. Two days later, we will meet up again.

7. See you in two days for our catch-up.

8. We have a date in two days" time.

9. Let"s reconvene in two days.

10. Our next meet-up is in just two days.

11. Two days later, we will touch base once more.

12. In 48 hours, our appointment is scheduled.

13. See you in two days" time for our discussion.

14. Let"s meet again in two days for our follow-up.

15. Our next meeting is in just two days.

16. Two days from now, we will meet again to discuss further.

17. In two days" time, let"s continue our conversation.

18. Our next rendezvous is just two days away.

19. Two days later, we will resume our discussion.

20. See you in two days" time for our next meeting.

21. Let"s reconvene in two days for our next session.

22. Our next appointment is scheduled for two days from now.

23. In 48 hours, we will meet up again.

24. Two days from now, let"s catch up on our progress.

25. Our next meeting will take place in just two days.

26. Two days later, we will meet again to finalize our plans.

27. See you in two days for our follow-up meeting.

28. Let"s meet again in two days to review our progress.

29. Our next discussion is set for two days from now.

30. In 48 hours, we will reconvene to make decisions.

31. See you in two days" time for our next appointment.

32. Let"s meet again in two days to continue our collaboration.

  1. 回首望月2024-04-09 08:09回首望月[河南省网友]
  2. 翔儿么呀2024-04-05 22:11翔儿么呀[澳门网友]
他自己诅咒自己?赖宝发文称可能要死了 7天后突然就离开了人世

他自己诅咒自己?赖宝发文称可能要死了 7天后突然就离开了人世



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最新通报:高考成绩18天后公布 英语考试套路首次揭秘 考生收藏

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