
肺血管通透性 Pulmonary vascular permeability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 13:01:30


肺血管通透性 Pulmonary vascular permeability英语短句 例句大全

The pulmonary vascular permeability refers to the ability of blood vessels in the lungs to allow the passage of substances into and out of the bloodstream. This permeability is crucial for maintaining proper lung function and normal gas exchange. A variety of factors can influence pulmonary vascular permeability, including inflammation, injury, and illness, which may lead to increased permeability and contribute to conditions such as pulmonary edema. Here are some examples of English sentences related to pulmonary vascular permeability: 1. "Increased pulmonary vascular permeability is associated with the development of pulmonary edema." 2. "The integrity of the endothelial barrier plays a critical role in regulating pulmonary vascular permeability." 3. "Researchers are studying the mechanisms that control pulmonary vascular permeability in order to develop new treatments for lung diseases." 4. "Damage to the pulmonary vascular endothelium can lead to abnormalities in vascular permeability." 5. "Understanding pulmonary vascular permeability is essential for maintaining proper lung function and gas exchange."

肺血管通透性,Pulmonary vascular permeability

1)Pulmonary vascular permeability肺血管通透性

1.Changes inPulmonary vascular permeability index and pulmonary function during orthotopic liver transplantation原位肝移植围术期肺血管通透性和肺功能的变化


1.Effect of Pulmonary Surfactant on Pulmonary Vascular Permeability in Asthma;肺表面活性物质对哮喘时肺血管通透性的影响

2.Experimental Study on Changes and Treatment of Mouse Pulmonary Vascular Permeability after Acute Lung Injury in Rats;内毒素性肺损伤后肺血管通透性的改变与防治实验研究

3.Changes in Pulmonary vascular permeability index and pulmonary function during orthotopic liver transplantation原位肝移植围术期肺血管通透性和肺功能的变化

4.Effects of Zanthoxylum Seed Oil on Pulmonary Microvascular Permeability and Expression of Fas/FasL in Lung Tissue of Asthmatic Model in Rats椒目油对哮喘大鼠肺组织Fas/FasL表达水平和肺血管通透性的影响

5.The Validity of Pulmonary Vascular Permeability Index in Diagnosing Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome肺血管通透性指数对于急性呼吸窘迫综合征诊断的临床价值

6.(1) We used evans blue spectrophotometry for determination of pulmonary vascular permeability.(1)采用伊文思蓝分光光度法测定肺血管通透性变化;

7.The Effect of Hypertonic Electrolyte Glucose Solution on Volume of Fluid Replacement and Pulmonary Vasopermeability of Beagles with Early Burn Shock高渗氯化钠葡萄糖溶液对烧伤休克犬早期补液量及肺血管通透性的影响

8.The Clinical Study of Extravascular Lung Water and Pulmonary Vascular Permeability Index in Acute Lung Edema;EVLW与肺血管通透指数对急性肺水肿的临床研究

9.Mechanisms of SC5b-9-induced Pulmonary Microvascular Permeability Dysfunction;SC5b-9介导肺微血管内皮通透性障碍及其机制

10.Effects of ulinastrtin on pulmonary endothelial permeability in patients with ARDS乌司他丁对ARDS肺血管内皮通透性的临床研究

11.The Relationship of Gap Junction Connexin 40 and Rabbit Pulmonary Microvascular Endothelial Cells in Acute Lung Injury急性肺损伤肺微血管内皮细胞间隙连接蛋白40与血管通透性的关系研究

12.Effects and the Mechanisms of Methylprednisolone on Pulmonary Endothelial Function, Alveolar-capillary Permeability and Clinical Outcomes after Hypothermic Cardiopulmonary Bypass;甲强龙对低温体外循环后肺血管内皮功能、通透性与临床结果的影响及机制探讨

13.The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Permeability of Capillary Wall高压氧对毛细血管壁通透性的影响

14.Strengthen blood vessel"s ventilate ability , make eyes bright and spiritual.增强血管的通透性,令眼部血气充足,亮目怡神。

15.Clinical study on pseudoaneurysm of vascular access for hemodialysis血液透析血管通路假性动脉瘤34例临床分析

16.Rho/Rho-kinase Signalling Pathways and Vascular Endothelial PermeabilityRho/Rho激酶信号通路与血管内皮通透性的研究

17.angiohyalinosis haemorrhagica出血性血管透明变性

parison of dialysis adequacy and access-related complications among hemodialysis patients with different vascular access不同血管通路血液透析患者透析充分性及并发症的比较


pulmonary microvascular permeability肺微血管通透性

1.Methods:To establish an acute lung injury model in rats in vivo by intravenous lipopolysaccharide(LPS) challenge, observe the changes of parameters of partial pressure of oxygen,the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), thepulmonary microvascular permeability index(PMPI), and the histological appearance of lung under microscope and electromicroscope in LPS group, LPS+PTX gro.目的 :探讨己酮可可碱 (PTX)对内毒素 (L PS)诱导的急性肺损伤肺微血管通透性的影响。

3)Alveolar capillary permeability肺泡毛细血管通透性

4)pulmonary capillary membrane permeability肺毛细血管膜通透性

1.Will thepulmonary capillary membrane permeability change with obstructive jaundice? Will the hyperbilirubinemia play a more important role in ARDS? There is little answer about it.乌司他丁通过调节炎症因子的释放,抑制氧自由基的产生,改善循环状态,减少因阻黄引起的肺毛细血管膜通透性的增加,起到保护肺组织细胞的作用。


1.With PiCCO monitoring,Extravascular Lung Water(EVLW),Global End-Diastolic Volume(GEDV),Intrathoracic Blood Volume(ITBV) and Pulmonary Blood Volume(PBV) were collected and then Pulmonary Vascular Permeability Index (PVPI) was calculated and analyzed.目的通过脉波指示剂连续心排血量(PiCCO)监护仪,评估肺血管通透性指数(PVPI)对于急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)诊断的临床价值。

6)pneumoangiogram permeability肺毛细血管通透性

1.30 guinea-pigs were divided into 3 groups:normal saline group(NS),oleic acid control group(OA),Rhodiola rosea L treated group(TR),to observe the influence of Rhodiola rosea L on the change ofpneumoangiogram permeability induced by oleic acid.肺毛细血管通透性比较结果显示,近位细支气管中伊文思蓝含量OA组与NS组之间(P<0。


血管通透性血管通透性vascular permeability毛细血管使蛋白、细胞和组织液等透过血管壁的性能。这些物质可以通过血管壁进入血流,也可从血流透过血管壁进入组织。正是由于血管的通透性才使得血液与组织间不断地进行物质交换,将营养物质运输到各组织间隙,把组织细胞代谢的产物又透过血管壁进入血液运送到排泄器官排出体外。毛细血管壁的正常结构改变时,血管通透性增高,使血管内液体过多渗出进入组织间隙。常由于细菌、毒素、某些化学因子、机械性因素、烧伤、冻伤、缺氧以及某些变态反应等原因使连接内皮细胞的粘合质及基膜受损;同时也损伤了血管周围组织,引起组胺及活性肽等的释放;受损局部的组织也因缺血、缺氧而使酸度增加。这些因素均可导致血管通透性增加,其结果使大量的血浆蛋白及液体渗出,形成水肿。

  1. 夏日浅眠2024-04-09 04:44夏日浅眠[香港网友]
  2. sff7674692642024-04-05 15:30sff767469264[河南省网友]
  3. 念冬2024-04-02 02:15念冬[天津市网友]
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