
鱼体增重 Weight gain英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 10:51:49


鱼体增重 Weight gain英语短句 例句大全

"鱼体增重+Weight+gain英语短句+例句大全" 旨在提供关于鱼类增重及体重增长的英语短句和例句。这个主题涵盖了饲养、营养、生长环境等方面的内容,对于饲养业者和爱好者具有重要的指导意义。通过收集和整理相关的英语短句和例句,读者可以更有效地了解饲养过程中的技术操作和相关概念,提高自身的专业知识和应用能力。这个题目内容丰富,覆盖面广,对于学习英语和饲养养殖有兴趣的人士都有一定的参考价值。

鱼体增重,Weight gain

1)Weight gain鱼体增重

1.The results showed that the weight gain, specific growth rate, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio of fish fed a tes.05%的试验组的鱼体增重、特定生长率、饲料效率和蛋白质效率等指标均显著高于其它试验组(P<0。

2.The weight gain and specific growth rate of the fish were increased with dietary protein level increasing from 20% to 35% (P >0.05);鱼体增重和生长比速均随饲料蛋白水平从20%升高到35%而不断提高,但饲料蛋白水平进一步提高,则鱼体增重和生长比速均无显著差异(P>0。

2)spawner weight亲鱼体重

1.This article focus on the impact of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus spawning rate caused by the stocking density, thespawner weight, the water depth of spawning pond, the sediment thickness and the artificial propagation.本文采用自然产卵的方式研究了放养密度、亲鱼体重、产卵池水深、产卵池底泥厚度和人工催情对斑点叉尾鮰产卵率的影响。

3)Weight Gain体重增加

1.Relationship of long-term treatment with risperdal to weight gain in patients with schizophrenia;精神分裂症患者长期服用利培酮后体重增加的随访观察

2.Objective To investigate whether the -1438G/A polymorphism in the promoter region of?5-HTR2A gene associates with the weight gain following antipsychotic agents (APS) acute treatment in schizophrenic patients.目的探讨中国汉族首发精神分裂症(schizophrenia,SCH)患者抗精神病药物(antipsychoticagents,APS)治疗过程中体重增加是否与五羟色胺2A受体(5-hydroxytryptamine2Areceptor,5-HTR2A)基因启动区-1438G/A多态性相关。

3.Results:SSRI related weight gain was discussed, including the incidence,time course,degree and possible mechanism.结果 :对临床上较少受重视的SSRI所致的体重增加进行了讨论 ,内容包括体重增加的发生率、时程问题、增加幅度、可能的机制等。


1.The baby had a gain of half a pound.婴儿的体重增加了半磅。

2.She is gaining in weight after her recovery from illness.她病愈以后体重增加了。

3.I had put on weight-i weigh 12 stone.我体重增加了。现在我体重12英石。

4.I have put on weight - I weigh 12 stones .我体重增加了。 现在我体重12英石。

5.Let out that dress--I gained a lot of weight.加宽那件衣服---我的体重增加了。

6.and an average girl of the same age in 1979 was 1.3 centimeters taller and 1 kilogram heavier.15岁的女孩身高增加1.3厘米,体重增加1公斤。

7.He has gained weight and his face seems to have rounded out in the last few years.近年来,他体重增加,脸也变圆了。

8.I gained ten pounds during summer vacation.暑假中我的体重增加了十镑。

9.I gained five pounds in a week.我一个星期体重增加了五磅。

10.He had gained weight and looked much better.他体重增加,脸色好看得多了。

11.The baby doubled its weight in a year.这个婴儿一年内体重增加一倍。

12.How many pounds did you put on over Christmas?你过完圣诞节後体重增加了多少磅?

13.I have gained ten pounds this summer.这个夏天我体重增加10镑。

14.grow fatter or heavier (by the specified amount)长胖或增加若干体重

15.He is gaining weight.他的体重正在增加。

16.He has grown both in height and weight.他身高和体重都增加了.

17.Energy used for maintenance increases with the size of the animal.用之于维持的能量随着动物的体重增大而增加。

18.This illness predisposes you to gain weight.这种病就预设了你体重会增加。


spawner weight亲鱼体重

1.This article focus on the impact of the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus spawning rate caused by the stocking density, thespawner weight, the water depth of spawning pond, the sediment thickness and the artificial propagation.本文采用自然产卵的方式研究了放养密度、亲鱼体重、产卵池水深、产卵池底泥厚度和人工催情对斑点叉尾鮰产卵率的影响。

3)Weight Gain体重增加

1.Relationship of long-term treatment with risperdal to weight gain in patients with schizophrenia;精神分裂症患者长期服用利培酮后体重增加的随访观察

2.Objective To investigate whether the -1438G/A polymorphism in the promoter region of?5-HTR2A gene associates with the weight gain following antipsychotic agents (APS) acute treatment in schizophrenic patients.目的探讨中国汉族首发精神分裂症(schizophrenia,SCH)患者抗精神病药物(antipsychoticagents,APS)治疗过程中体重增加是否与五羟色胺2A受体(5-hydroxytryptamine2Areceptor,5-HTR2A)基因启动区-1438G/A多态性相关。

3.Results:SSRI related weight gain was discussed, including the incidence,time course,degree and possible mechanism.结果 :对临床上较少受重视的SSRI所致的体重增加进行了讨论 ,内容包括体重增加的发生率、时程问题、增加幅度、可能的机制等。

4)Weight gain体重增长

1.Investigation of nutritional status and weight gain in very low birth weight infants during long-term hospitalization长期住院极低出生体重儿营养状况及体重增长影响因素分析

2.Objective To investigate the early gastrointestinal nutrition intake ability of low birthweight infants, and to evaluate and analyze the relationships between early gastrointestinal nutrition and weight gain, and, accordingly to suggest a clinical nutritional guidance for preterm infants in hospital stay that improves the quality of survival.目的 探讨低出生体重儿(LBW)早期胃肠道摄入营养的能力,评估与分析早期胃肠道营养与体重增长的关系,从而为住院期间早产儿营养提供临床指导,提高早产儿生存质量。

3.Objective:To investigate the nutritional status and weight gain data of pregnant women,in order to give them a guidance of maternal care,and obtain optimal curve of maternal body weight change for women in urban Qingdao.目的:调查了解青岛市孕期妇女膳食食物消费量和营养素摄入情况,搜集孕期妇女体重增长数据,以便提供合理的膳食建议,研究青岛市孕期妇女体重增长的适宜值,指导孕期保健。

5)Body weight gain体增重

1.15/14 respectively, to study the development of intake,digestion and daily body weight gain (BWG) of lambs during the age of 30-150 days.15/14),以研究30~150日龄期间羔羊采食、消化与体增重的变化规律。

6)live-weight gain per yak个体增重



  1. NO.kimoqi2024-04-07 09:06NO.kimoqi[湖北省网友]
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  2. 专属love 的味道&2024-04-02 21:58专属love 的味道&[福建省网友]
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