

时间:2024-03-28 21:41:53



Coal-to-methanol is a significant process in the chemical industry, where coal is transformed into methanol. This process holds great importance due to its contribution to energy production and reduction of reliance on fossil fuels. In recent years, the growing interest in cleaner energy sources has led to increased research and development in coal-to-methanol technology. The conversion of coal to methanol is not only beneficial for energy production but also for mitigating environmental impact by reducing carbon emissions. As such, coal-to-methanol technology has the potential to play a pivotal role in the transition towards more sustainable energy sources. In this collection, you will find a comprehensive list of English phrases and example sentences related to coal-to-methanol, providing a deeper understanding of its significance and applications.

煤制甲醇,coal methanol

1)coal methanol煤制甲醇

1.Development and utilization ofcoal methanol is favour of changing of the superiority, and the enterprise will be a large-scale base with coal, power and chemical industry and increases the market contest ability.开发和利用煤制甲醇项目有利于大同煤矿集团公司实现由资源优势向经济优势的转变,并逐步建成煤—电—化协调发展的大型煤化工基地,以提高集团公司的市场竞争能力和抗风险能力。


1.The CO_2 Offgas Which Produced from Coal to Methanol or Synthesis Amonina can be used to Produce Methanol;煤制甲醇和合成氨废气作为天然气生产甲醇补加CO_2源

2.Identification Analysis of Occupational Hazards in A Project of Coal Methanol and Olefin Conversion某煤制甲醇及转化烯烃项目职业病危害因素的识别分析

3.So the item possesses notable economic superiority and good market foreground, is feasible and necessary.所以煤制甲醇项目有着显著的经济优势和良好的市场前景,既是可行的也是必要的。

4.Scientifically Developmental View for Reforming Chemical Fertilizer Enterprise by Making Methanol from Coal in Combining Production with Ammoinia (Part Two)--Safe Strategy for Energy, Environment and Food;煤制甲醇联产氨改造化肥企业的科学发展观(下)——能源、环境和粮食安全战略

parison between Coal Liquefaction and Coal-to-methanol Technologies and Selection煤制油与煤气化制甲醇技术的比较与选择

6.CO_2 instead of N_2 as Carrier of Pulverized Coal & Counter-blow Gas壳牌煤气制甲醇中CO_2的综合利用

7.Reasons and Countermeasures for Washing Methanol Consume Being Too High in Rectisol Plant of Methanol Made by Shell Coal GasificationShell煤气化制甲醇之低温甲醇洗装置洗涤甲醇消耗偏高的原因及对策

8.Technique and Economy Discussion of Coal Based Methanol to Produce Alkene Project;煤基大甲醇制低碳烯烃项目的技术和经济初探

9.New Zero-CO_2 Emission Coal Gasification Methanol Production Technology实现CO_2零排放的煤气化制甲醇创新工艺

10.The Application of Low-temperature Methanol Washing in Shenhua"s Coal-based Hydrogen Preparation Device低温甲醇洗技术在神华煤制氢装置中的应用

11.The Process Improvements of Dry Desulphurization in the Production of Coke-oven Gas-to-methanol焦炉煤气制甲醇生产中干法脱硫工艺的改进

12.China Coal Chemistry Tendency--Large Coal Gasification MTP Project;大型煤气化合成甲醇制丙烯(MTP)是我国煤化工的发展趋势

13.Application of Pure Oxygen Methane Conversion Technology in Coke Oven Gas to Methanol Projects甲烷纯氧转化工艺在焦炉煤气制甲醇装置中的应用

14.China also has another30 coal-to-methanol plants under construction or going through the approval process.此外,中国目前还有30个煤炭制甲醇的工厂在建或在履行审批程序。

15.Methonal Production by Coal Clean Reforming is the Optimum Option for China to Replace Oil Energy;中国发展煤炭清洁转化制甲醇是替代石油能源的最佳选择

16.Technical Reformation and High Load Operation of Shifting Unit in Project of Methanol Made by Shell Coal GasificationShell煤气化制甲醇项目之变换装置技术改造与高负荷运行

17.Study on the Preparation of Microemulsion Fuel Based on Methanol and Low Temperature Coal Tar低温煤焦油/甲醇为基料的微乳化燃料的制备研究

18.Application of K8-11 and QDB-04 Type Anti-sulfur Catalyst in Plant of Methanol Produced by Shell Coal GasificationK8-11和QDB-04型耐硫变换催化剂在壳牌粉煤气化制甲醇装置的应用


coke-oven gas-to-methanol焦炉煤气制甲醇

1.Based on the dry purification process flow in the production ofcoke-oven gas-to-methanol, and in the light of some problems occurring in the running gears, this paper makes corresponding theoretical analysis, and puts forward some improvement measures for increasing the stability of the operation of production facilities and improving the products quality.基于焦炉煤气制甲醇生产中干法净化工艺流程,针对在运行装置中发现的一些问题进行相应的理论分析并提出改进措施,以提高生产装置运行的稳定性,提高产品质量。

3)coal-based methanol煤基甲醇

1.Analysis of life cycle GHGS emission ofcoal-based methanol;煤基甲醇生命周期温室气体排放评价

2.With life cycle assessment method,a life cycle model ofcoal-based methanol and coal-based Fischer-Tropsch diesel is established.利用生命周期评价理论,建立煤基甲醇(coal-based methanol,CBM)和煤基柴油(coal-based Fischer-Tropsch diesel,CBFTD)生命周期评价模型。

4)coal-methol slurry甲醇煤浆

5)plant of methanol made by Shell coal gasificationShell煤气化制甲醇项目

6)coal methane煤制甲烷

1.The paper introduces the basic research oncoal methane and its technological development and application at home and abroad.介绍了国内外煤制甲烷的基础研究和工艺开发及应用进展。


煤制甲醇煤制甲醇coal derived methanolmeizhi iiaeun煤制甲醉(Coal deri耐methanol)将煤气化变为一氧化碳再加氢合成的液体甲醇。它除作为化工原料外,还可作为汽油机和柴油机的燃料,替代石油,并具有比石油发动机更好的动力性能、热效率和更低的排放物。由于其分子结构简单,只含有一个碳,并含有氧,故燃烧较完全,不冒黑烟,是比汽油和柴油更清洁的一种燃料。国外认为使用甲醉是改善城市大气被汽车排放污染的一种措施。中国则主要基于煤多油少的能源结构,以煤制甲醉替代供不应求的石油。甲醉嫩料应用有3种方式:①低比例(3%~5%)甲醇掺烧汽油,发动机不需改动,可和汽油一样使用,国外已商业化。②中比例(10%~30%)甲醇掺烧汽油。发动机须作调整,须加助溶剂解决甲醉和汽油分层问题。③高比例(85%以上)甲醇。利用甲醉辛烷值高的特点,优化发动机,将压缩比大幅度提高,从而大大提高发动机性能。甲醇最大缺点是热值低,相当于汽油的一半,因此消耗量较大。国内外对这3种使用方式都已进行大量试验研究和示范。现正在发展灵活燃料汽车(可任意嫩烧甲醇、汽油或二者之混合燃料)。国外已有此产品少量出售,将来待甲醇加油站增多后,再过渡到优化的专用甲醇汽车。(潘奎润)

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