
灌区管理 irrigation district management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-28 08:02:21


灌区管理 irrigation district management英语短句 例句大全

Irrigation district management refers to the oversight and coordination of water distribution and resource utilization within an irrigation district. This crucial function involves the planning, operation, and maintenance of the irrigation infrastructure, as well as the implementation of policies and regulations governing water use. Efficient irrigation district management is essential for ensuring sustainable agriculture, environmental preservation, and community development. Example sentences related to irrigation district management include "The efficient management of the irrigation district led to increased agricultural productivity." "The board of directors is responsible for overseeing the allocation of water resources within the irrigation district." "Proper maintenance of the canals and reservoirs is essential for effective irrigation district management." "The government has recently implemented new regulations to improve water conservation and management within the irrigation district." These example sentences illustrate the importance of effective irrigation district management in achieving water resource sustainability and agricultural prosperity.

灌区管理,irrigation district management

1)irrigation district management灌区管理

1.A fast evaluation index system for modernirrigation district management is proposed in order to serve for a clear and service-oriented assessment of irrigation districts.针对目前缺少比较明确、完善且以服务为导向的灌区快速评价指标体系和方法的现状,提出了现代灌区管理快速评价指标体系,即以灌区供水服务的安全性、公平性、可靠性和灵活性来衡量现代灌区管理水平的高低,同时开发完成了相应的基于数据库的软件产品,以期更好地实现灌区评价理念从"以物为本"到"以人为本"的转变。


1.ditch rider; waterman: Person responsible for supervising an irrigation area.灌区管理员:负责监管灌区的人员。

2.Developing Management Information System of Irrigation Scheme Based on MapX;基于MapX开发灌区管理信息系统

3.Research on comprehensive evaluation of irrigation district management based on Multivariate Correlation Analysis and Compromise Programming基于MCA与CP的灌区管理综合评价研究

4.Abstract: Based on the internal working mechanism, input mechanism and so on, the paper expounds the innovation of management mechanism of irrigation district.从灌区内部运行机制、入机制等方面论述灌区管理机制创新。

5.The Development and Application of Irrigation District Management Information System Base on .NET Framework;基于.NET框架的灌区管理信息系统开发与应用

6.A Study on Problems of Irrigation District Management and Institution Innovation in Qinghai Province;青海省灌区管理存在的问题及制度改革探讨

7.Research on the Reform of Irrigation Management Institution: Zaohe Irrigation District as a Case Study;灌溉管理制度改革问题研究——以皂河灌区为例

8.Study on Management Mode for Irrigation District Diversion from Yellow River and Methods of Discharge Measurement;宁夏引黄灌区灌溉管理模式及测流方法的研究

9.A Research on Hongjin Irrigation District Management and Decision-making Support System Based on Component GIS;基于ComGIS的洪金灌区灌溉管理决策支持系统研究

10.Saline Water Irrigation Management Practices for Spring Corn in the Yellow River Irrigation District of Ningxia宁夏引黄灌区春玉米微咸水灌溉管理模式研究

11.Study of Water Resources Management System in Middle-Small Irrigation District--Theory and Practice of Self-financing Irrigation and Drainage District;中小型灌区水资源管理体制探索——经济自立排灌区(SIDD)的理论与实践

12.The Practice and Reflection of SIDD in China;自主管理灌排区在我国的应用与思考

13.Asset Management and Dynamic Analysis of Annuity for Irrigation District;灌区资产管理及运行管理费用的动态分析

14.Basic level management system reform in an irrigation district-water users participate in management灌区基层管理体制改革——用水户参与管理

15.The Primary Study on the Optimum Model of Water-Saving Irrigation Management in Hetao Irrigation District, Inner Mongolia;内蒙古河套灌区区域节水灌溉水管理优化模型初步研究

16.The Research on Running Mechanism and Performance of Participatory on Irrigation Management in Hetao Irrigation Districts;内蒙古河套灌区参与式灌溉管理运行机制与绩效研究

17.Discussion on the Water Used Household Participates in the Irrigation Management and its Practice;用水户参与灌溉管理的实践与探讨——以沈阳市石佛寺灌区为例

18.Analysis of Several Indicators of Spring Wheat in Water-saving Irrigation of Field Water Management System in Flood River Irrigation District洪水河灌区春小麦节水灌溉田间水管理系统中几个指标分析


irrigated area management灌区管理

3)irrigation area water management灌区水管理

4)automation of irrigation area management灌区管理自动化

5)engineering management in irrigated area灌区工程管理

6)irrigation area management reform灌区管理改革


《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioac-tion Waste Management代卜Oronl一00 GuonJ一Anquon he Fongshex一ng Fe一wLJ GLJanllAnquon Llonhe Gongyue《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》(了访”tC加祖ventlon胡th£SafetyojSPent Fuel Mana岁ment and on th‘Safet少of尺。己~t姗WasteManageme力t)加强乏嫩料和放封性度物管理安全方面的一项鼓励性国际公约。1997年9月5日通过,1997年9月29日开放供签署。截至1999年3月10日,已有39个国家签署,6个国家交存了批准书。但按该公约规定,需得到25个国家批准,而且其中要包括15个拥有运行的核电厂的国家才能生效,因而目前尚未生效。《公约》的目的是,通过加强缔约国的管理和国际合作,包括适当时与安全有关的技术合作,以在世界范围内实现和保持高安全水平的乏嫩料和放射性废物管理;确保在乏嫩料和放射性废物管理的一切阶段都有预防潜在危害的有效措施,保护个人、社会和环境免受电离辐射的有害影响;防止有辐射后果的事故发生,一旦发生尽可能地减轻其后果。《公约》适用于民用核反应堆运行产生的乏燃料的管理安全以及民事应用产生的放射性废物的管理安全,但为后处理而在其设施中保存的乏燃料除外。对于军用或国防计划所产生的乏燃料和放射性废物,则仅当其被永久转为民用计划时才适用。《公约》强调,确保乏嫩料和放射性废物管理安全的最终责任在于对应这些材料拥有管辖权的国家身上。缔约国的主要义务为:应在其国家法律框架内通过立法、管理和行政的措施以及其他必要的步骤,确保在乏嫌料和放射性废物管理的所有阶段都能充分保护个人、社会和环境不受到辐射的伤害.就履约所采取的措施向缔约方审评会议提交报告。《公约》还对这类物质的踌越国界运翰做了规定。中国派代表参加了《公约》的制订和审议工作,由于对其中关于放射性废物跨境运输的条款有保留,故未签署本公约。

  1. 意向·暗记2024-04-03 16:10意向·暗记[河北省网友]
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